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truck caps?


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Hi Again Lori, I've bought several caps within a few years.Leer is pretty dependable. If cost is an issue, go with an aluminum cap. You can get slider windows for sides and front.If you can afford it, go with fiberglass. You can also get both sliders. Fiberglass is much quieter and sterdier.I like it much more. I don't know much about other brands. Joan

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Hi Lori-


We just bought a Radco aluminum topper for our pickup this past summer and have been very happy with it.


One note about sliding side windows vs the tip out windows. If you want to be able to have the windows open while you are driving to allow for more air movement then you will need to buy the sliding windows. You should not drive with the tip out ones open. We also got the dark tinted side windows to help block out more sun in the summer.



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I've found my thread. :rolleyes: I need to buy a topper for my faithful F-150.


My question: what do folks do to make the windows more secure? Every dog person I know with a truck topper has done something to reinforce the window screens --- usually replacing the screens with hardware cloth or some kind of grill. I know at least one company offers security grills as an option.


What have you truck owners done (if anything)? What have you seen that looked secure?


[Keeping people out is actually less of a concern than keeping dogs in. On the road, any dogs under the topper would be crated, natch.]

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Hmm ... no one ever told me that you can't drive with the tilt-out windows (center crank type) open. I do it all the time, particularly when hauling lambs.


I just bought a Toyota T-100 (most excellent), and will probably be buying a cap for it in the spring. I've been looking at aluminum partly because it's less expensive than Fiberglas, partly because I need to be able to take it off and put it back on the truck single-handed. The aluminum cap on my Mazda B4000 (least excellent) has served me very well. In fact, it might be the only thing I liked about that truck.


There are at least two different grades of aluminum caps out there. You (or at least I) want to pay the extra $100 or so and get the contractor grade unit. The doors are heavier and more secure, less subject to damage when being taken off the truck, etc.


What I'm trying to figure out is whether the silver or white paint would keep the temp down inside the best. Initially you'd think white, but the silver might actually be more reflective. Anyone have any thoughts about that?

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Silver. Could be why they make those windsheild shades in reflective silver instead of white! :rolleyes:


Luisa, I have the sliding windows in truck and shell and a "boot" thingy that goes between them making a seal so no outside air can get in and then I run my a/c. Don't know about your F-150 but mine puts out ARCTIC air! If it is nice weather I take the boot off so they get outside air and smells blowing in. :D And other than a quick run into a convience store, I dont leave them in the truck unless it is cold enough to shut up the windws.


ETA I have an aluminum one. Dents are better than cracks! :D

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What I'm trying to figure out is whether the silver or white paint would keep the temp down inside the best. Initially you'd think white, but the silver might actually be more reflective. Anyone have any thoughts about that?
Bill, I read about this in a gun dog forum:

There is another product that one can Paint on your roof of your topper. It is made by ASTEC. It is an acrylic polymer with ceramic particles in it. It will stick to glass. It is white. As we all know white helps repel some heat but if you paint a square with white paint and another with this ASTEC, put them in the sun, the white will be hot to the touch and the ASTEC will be cool Literally cool
Keeping the dogs cool, Literally cool is a huge issue here in SoCal. I've been told (by a friend who really liked the aluminum camper shell on his old truck) that the aluminum toppers are well-insulated and no hotter in summer than Fiberglass... Do aluminum toppers really rattle? :rolleyes:


Here's another thread from the Gun Dog Forum: truck toppers.


My current fave is a GemTop (in white, though):




Though I worry a bit about those rear doors flying open as I race down the freeway.

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Originally posted by Black Watch Debatable:

My question: what do folks do to make the windows more secure? Every dog person I know with a truck topper has done something to reinforce the window screens --- usually replacing the screens with hardware cloth or some kind of grill. I know at least one company offers security grills as an option.

Around here, people usually replace the screens with stainless steel welded mesh like this: Welded Mesh 1/2"

I'm sure they got it from the hardware store.

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When both windows are open and I use the boot, no noise. AND the aluminum shell is not noisy at all. It has a 1" piece of real condensed foam running around the top of the truck bed sides, between the shell and the truck. And I wouldn't worry about the doors flying open, but would lock them. Just in case! :rolleyes:

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Just FYI. I ordered a fiberglass cap from Jeraco. Both Leer and Jeraco have factories & factory stores less than 3 miles from my house. Opted for side slide windows and a front sliding window which is also removeable. Both manufacturers were comparable. Jeraco's model was better insulated. They're not cheap. $1100 plus, and that was for the most simple model.

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IMHO, the Gemtop that Luisa posted is the best. We have one on a work truck (I insisted on it), and the doors definitely stay closed with BCs inside


I have had a variety of toppers with back door/windows that open up, and I hate them all. Access to stuff inside is much better with the style of door that the Gemtop has. Also, if you live where it rains, the damn rain runs off the window and into the bed of your truck every time you lift the back of most "basic" toppers. I hate this. I just hate it. You will too if you buy that style of topper and live where it rains a lot. My latest one was free, and I still resent every penny it cost me.


Lastly, if you live where it gets hot, there is no comparison between a true fiberglas-insulated topper and any of the uninsulated aluminum or fiberglass ones. Get an insulated one, or plan on finding an underground garage to park in, or tree to park under, each and every sunny day that you must leave your dogs in your truck.


That's my $.02 anyway.


Edit: I agree that a good boot between the cab and back goes a long way towards eliminating noise. But if you go off pavement, not only will most toppers generate some noise, but they also tend to work at whatever attaches them to the bed until they open up some gaps, get noisier and leakier, and eventually break loose. Maybe the Gemtop will do this eventually, but I think it would take a LOT longer to get to that point.

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I loved my insulated fiberglass topper and still weep bitter tears at its loss, three years after I smashed it - and the truck it was attached to - into a tree.


I had tip out windows. The only thing I would have preferred was the crank out rather than the little pinchy doodle lock. In the summer, for more air, I'd ride with a window held open with something - though it stayed plenty cool enough without it. I also didn't have a back sliding window so I couldn't access the back without leaving the truck - very bad.


The tip out was absolutely the bomb for getting things in and out. I could even climb through if I needed to (yes, I was a lot slimmer before the accident :rolleyes: ).


My next vehicle will for sure be a truck with a camper shell.

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  • 3 years later...
Around here, people usually replace the screens with stainless steel welded mesh like this: Welded Mesh 1/2"

I'm sure they got it from the hardware store.



The best route to go is indeed, wire mesh material. It has to be really strong just in case.


I just reinfoced my windows with some wire mesh that I got from a company in New Jersey called Belleville Wire Cloth.




I used this plain weave with kind of a large opening between wires. I figured the best material for me would be the strongest stuff that they had because I am not looking for anything like fine wire mesh. Call the guy in the office and he can help you out because I forget exactly what mesh this was called.



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