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Hey, lets have a winter trial


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OH YES, I DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!! Yes we are lambing around that time, should start any day there after. The vet said they were all about 60 days the other day when he was here... We can all stand around and watch my two ewes lamb..wont that be fun? :0 We can draw straws for who gets to band the tail. Come and stay for a week..I promise to let you sleep in and go to bed early..we can do the puppy intensive... Just got my hay in, the guy is super nice it is great alfalfa. So the barn is ready, feed is ready, shearer on standby..we are all set. I am going to write a book, lambing for the anal retentive farmer. Anyway, give serious thought to the whole trial come for a week thing...it would be fun fun!


Julie, we could do the whole lamb jug thing..exactly how will you be scoring that..I will get it on the score sheet for you...who do you want as your clerk>>

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Originally posted by tucknjill:

Julie, we could do the whole lamb jug thing..exactly how will you be scoring that..I will get it on the score sheet for you...who do you want as your clerk>>

How about, lamb(s) and ewe in jug alive = full penning points :eek:

Extra points for triplets


Will this be part of PN and/or Nursery?



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Well,hmmmm, let me see. Given your requirements for cheap available labour and the fact that I need to take a 2-3 hour nap (and get up late and go to bed early), I propose we do an AHBA Ranch Dog trial thing (I'm a judge for that you know) involving lining 'em up for shearing, bagging the wool and hauling it away, sorting off the pregnant ones (shouldn't take long :rolleyes: ) carrying on to the lambing pens, lamb out, shots, tails 'n' nuts (we'll save the ram lambs for the male handlers), out t the field with the other ones, load the pens, and THEN we can run the USBCHA trial.


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I like it!


Really though, if we have to pen lambs and such we'll have to bring our own from the sound of it....


Hey A., think i could do an AHBA thing that involves picking up rocks off my pasture? Surely we can figure out some way to incorporate my very favorite winter job.

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I wasnt aware that I was TRYING to be funny!


Come on Julie, Robin lost her virginity last time..its you and Marks turn...Where else can you have all that fun for no pay and constant bitching? I would judge, but I have to hold sheep and work the pens... Since Andrea will have grounds under control, all we lack is a judge. That where you and Markie Mark come in. Do I have to get down on one knee and beg??? sniffle...sob, whine....cryyyyyy

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