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Congrats Jen & Scott!!

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A big congratulations to Jennifer Mask (now Glen) and Scott Glen who were married recently. Jen, he couldn't have found a better woman! Best wishes to you both for a long and happy life together!


P.S. How is that perfect puppy, Lad, doing?

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I just got goosebumps when I saw your new name...GOOD FOR YOU! Sure gonna miss you this winter. I told Scott i was gonna call you while he was away so we can talk girl talk... Miss you guys!


PS dunno if I want to see any video esp if it includes the wedding night...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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Hey Guyz,

I may be a newlywed but I've already lost my husband! Scott left yesterday to stay the night in Calgary and drop the dogs off at the airport for the Worlds. The dogs flew out yesterday to go to Vancouver to spend the night at an animal transport service. They are awsome and I wish I knew about them earlier 'cause they would have taken some of the worry out of whether I was doing the pet passport right. Anyway the dogs got their final vet check there and they fly out tonight. Scott flies out tonight too and they all arrive in London tomorrow morning within 10 minutes of each other. Scott is going to stay at David Rees' place in Wales and work dogs until the first trial in Ireland next weekend. Then the Worlds are the weekend after. I sent him with a bunch of calling cards, but they won't last long when you call from the UK. I'll update everyone when I know stuff, but I probably won't know much.

Laddie is well. He's starting to look like a Vic pup, so his head must way about 20 pounds now. He's finally getting to see what life is like living in a house and not a camper. He's pretty sure he owns the place!

Jenny Glen

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Ooops I meant Laddie's head "weighs" about 20 pounds. Although it is "way" big!

Sammy Jo, I will call you in a couple of days. I'm waiting for my isolation to really set in and not abuse everyone with my bordom too early. ("Geeze, she's calling again! That girl needs a life") I'm trying to ration myself so I don't drive everyone crazy.

Jenny Glen

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Hey, Jenny, I'll keep an eye on Scott during the Worlds. If he calls and says there's this fat lady giving him some evil sideways glances at the trial, you'll know I'm just doing my job of making sure he's being good!


Do you have the running order for the qualifying rounds? I emailed the World Trial folks some days ago but haven't heard back. The travel agency Ed had to use for work messed up (surprise!) and I will miss the first day unless we are able to reschedule our flight on the 7th to get to Dublin earlier in the day. Then, I might get to see part of the first day after all.


I sure would hate to miss seeing Scott's runs (and those of the few other folks I have met that will be competing).

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Congratulations again Jenny.


When I last talked to Scott and asked how Mrs. Glen was--he told me he left you in Vegas to earn some money!


I quickly asked if he had your pup

Lad and if he was for sale! (You have to be ready when you get an opportunity!!)


I have returned from the living dead and am going to work dogs as we speak.


Give Mick a treat for me!


Actually, as I mentioned to Scott, marrying you was one of the smartest things that he has done!


Congrats again and again and again.

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Jenny, I sure miss those pups. It has been too quiet here since you picked them up. I'm going to have to get a puppy. Oh...and Michele says you are now "Jen Glen" LOL Sure wish I could have made it to the wedding..oh and I guess I would have heard if those tickets had paid off? Or would I?



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Out of the loop today just catching up--Congratulations to Scott and Jenny--I am thrilled for you both. Glad to hear you returned safely to Canada. Of course our prayers and best wishes for Scott's safe AND successful journey.


Lonely new bride--yea--that sounds just like you--NOT! that busy mind of yours I am sure has a million things going...but if a slow moment does come your way--I may be way down here in Cataula, Georgia but only an email or phone call away!


By the way i noticed a discussion concerning MY (self proclaimed adopted) Laddie boy. He gets his personality from me you know....we sat many wonderful hours at those trials this year--I miss him. Send a picture--so I can keep up with him!


Also--send a wedding pic--can't wait to see.


Miss your laughter! away away.......



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Debbie!!!!! I am going to send you pictures of your god child later tonight. Scott took the camera so I don't have anything showing the enormity of his head right now but I'll send more when Scott gets back. Joan in California baby sat him for me while we were in Vegas. You were right about all the brides!


I sent most of the info with Scott so I don't remember when he is running or on which field. Hopefully the website will post that info soon. Yes, keep and eye on him for me. I told David Rees "No loose Welsh women" but he said there wern't any, just good beer.


Mick is doing VERY well. He's become quite outgoing. We had to dodge a tornado yesterday and so I put him in the basement, but it didn't touch down on us. It did touch down about 10 miles away. They said it was a big one but did no damage as it didn't stay down for long. I saw it up in the air but fortunately it passed us.

Sammy Jo,

I'll send me email over later tonight. Lad and I are going to go over to a local horse arena tonight and socialize. He met his first horse in Wyoming and he wasn't impressed. He also moved sheep around at Ted and Janna's. Nothing crazy yet, but he has time to grow and his ego just gets bigger and bigger!

Jenny Glen

PS thanxs to everyone for the well wishes!

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Jenn and Scott,


Congrats from us at DeltaBluez Stockdogs!!


You are are a great couple and Scott found a gem with you!!


Diane and Jeff

and of course, Shiro, Tess, Tait (Teddy), Koko, Mick (with you!!), Rio, Betsy, Faye (Fifi), Chrissy, Trey (off to new home in a week), Roo (in training here) and the Tess/Pleat pups!!

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Originally posted by Jennifer Glen:


I sent most of the info with Scott so I don't remember when he is running or on which field. Hopefully the website will post that info soon. Yes, keep and eye on him for me. I told David Rees "No loose Welsh women" but he said there wern't any, just good beer.

The website for the Worlds has been very disappointing. I think the thing they post the most is "more to come". It just never much seems to come! By the time anything I need to know is up there, I won't have access to the info, as we leave this Saturday. Too bad I can't make it to any of the warm-up trials.


As for Scott, he doesn't need any watching I am sure, but I will be sure to be cheering him on if I get to see him run!

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I warned Scott about you watching him yesterday. He laughed. His plane landed this morning and so did the dog's. Hopefully they all met up 'cause when he called me at 5:00Am he was a little lost. Fortunately the courier was picking up the dogs, walking them and getting them through customs so Scott had some time to get it together. He thinks he's running the first day with Gwen. He thinks he's about dog number 16. Right now he's listed as running Tala so he has to get that changed.

Thanx Craig and Diane!

Jenny Glen

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Unless we are able to change our flight from Glasgow to Dublin on the 7th (dumb travel agency), I will miss all of the first day. I are hoping to change to an earlier flight and so get to see most of the first day, and then all the rest!


Ed is doing other stuff which leaves me free to watch runs all the time, check out the booths, etc.!


As for Scott, he's laughing now but he may not be once I have him under my middle-aged, over-weight, novice gaze. He might just be scared, very scared! Actually, I'm harmless. I'll be his biggest fan who's there in person.

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Ryan Air from Glasgow -> Dublin on the 6th and 7th

eg fare 14.99 GBP


Wed, 06 Jul 05

Flight FR 771

07:00 Depart Glasgow Prestwick (PIK)

07:45 Arrive Dublin (DUB)


Reg fare 14.99 GBP


Wed, 06 Jul 05

Flight FR 775

13:35 Depart Glasgow Prestwick (PIK)

14:20 Arrive Dublin (DUB)



Reg fare 14.99 GBP


Wed, 06 Jul 05

Flight FR 777

19:15 Depart Glasgow Prestwick (PIK)

20:00 Arrive Dublin (DUB)


Web fare 0.99 GBP

Thu, 07 Jul 05

Flight FR 771

07:00 Depart Glasgow Prestwick (PIK)

07:45 Arrive Dublin (DUB)



Reg fare 14.99 GBP

Thu, 07 Jul 05

Flight FR 775

13:35 Depart Glasgow Prestwick (PIK)

14:20 Arrive Dublin (DUB)




And yes it is entirely possible that the 0.99 pounds fare (about $2 is correct),



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I just talked to Scott. It's 10:30PM there and all is well. He's at David Rees' in Wales and he says the area is beautiful and they are going to visit a castle with a dungeon later in the week. He said the dogs are settled and doing well and he's ready for bed. That takes a load off my mind. I sat up all night and monitored their flights (dogs flew on another plane) on the internet, so I know they landed at 3:30AM our time and Scott called me at 5:00AM our time, but I was so worried about the DEFRA/Customs with the dogs 'cause you know whose fault it would be if anything was done wrong and the dogs had to be sent back home! Anyway, all is well.

Jenny Glen

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