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Old Age or...

Cheri McDonald

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Gang, last night Buddy had only what I could only call a "where am I?" moment. I had given each of the dogs their little chew sticks. One of Buddy's favorite times at night is chew time. At first he took his chew and went to his normal spot and lay down. He then dropped the chew and kind of wobbled like he was dizzy with a glazed over stare. This lasted only about 30 seconds. Then I called him to me and handed him the chew again. The rest of the night he seemed fine.


I have a call into the vet this morning. But I am wondering if it was like a stroke or something? Let me know what you think and I will report back once I talk to the vet too.

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I'll be curious as to what your vet says, since he seems to have recovered fast. There is something related to inner ear called vestibular disease that is quite common in old dogs which makes them dizzy, but the first bout my old dog had lasted several days. Later in life he had some brief episodes. You can tell by looking at the eyes - if it's vestibular they are kind of vibrating back and forth or up and down. Less serious is back and forth motion and they generally return to normal on their own.


I hope Buddy is OK - I love the old dogs!

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Brandy was my BC mix. When she was about 12 or 13, she had a similar episode, however, she actually fell over. By the time I rushed her to the vet (1 1/2 hours away!), she was fine. He did a number of blood tests but could not really say what had happened. She lived to be 16 1/2 but did in the last couple of years of her life have 'old dog' moments.

Give Buddy a scruffle for me...I love old dogs too! And I think Buddy's a special fellow anyway

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Thanks all, we are going to take him in for some blood work and urine tests. We had those done when he first joined our family last year so Doc has a base line where he was then. She said it could be CDS but wants to rule out any other medical issues first.


He was his happy bouncy self this morning. But was just so odd during that 1/2 a minute last night. She asked me quite a few questions on the phone that started me thinking; Barking occasionally at nothing. Runs out to potty then walks around comes in and then runs back out to finally pee. Some restless nights. That kind of thing.


We will keep you posted.

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Guest amylobdell24

My older BC mix had CDS in his later years, too. If your vet recommends it, a daily medication called Anipryl & a food called b/d made by Science Diet helped my old man. They just get too old too fast....

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Thanks again, I will ask Doc about Anipryl too. Only being with us for the last 9 months we are still learning all his little quirks. But I have to keep telling myself that he is 14 years old and I just want him to spend his late years in comfort.


He is a different dog now, happy and bouncy and always my shadow around the house and yard. Not that sad eyed, shying away boy he was when we first bought the house. They amaze me how they can trust again so quickly after a hard life.


We love this old dog for sure!!

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Okay Doc took at look at Buddy and did some blood work, etc. All that came back matching his good blood work from April. So she thinks it could have been a small stroke or seizure and that he does not show signs of CDS.


So he is going on a low dose aspirin a day and we will keep our fingers crossed that we don't see anymore.


Thanks everyone. Buddy thanks you too!

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I had a GSD/Collie mix that started having similar symptoms to Buddy's at 10 or 11 yrs. The dear boy lasted until he was 14 (and he was a pretty big dog - 96 lbs. in his prime). During the last few years he developed a seizure problem and had to be on meds, but he was extremely healthy and happy (albeit a little bit goofy and forgetful from time to time) up until the last few months.


You have been Buddy's angel and I think that he is a lucky dog. Good luck to you and Bud!

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I had that happen with my oldest dog, Mick, he did it a few times and came right out of it. The vet said if it was an inner ear thing, it would have lasted more than a few minutes. Finally a few years later, I think he had a full blown stroke. He was 17. He would just go in his kennel even though the door was open and stand by the back part and stare with his head hung. He stopped eating, didn't know where he was. After 3 days, I couldn't take anymore of it and had him put down. He had 17 good years of life. Herding, frisbee contests, and just being a good dog.

Believe me, I'm NOT saying this is your dog. Could be something simple. It's happened to me- LOL. Although not with a chewie. It just brought back some memories. Hope everything is ok and works out well for you & your best friend.

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