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Dog can fly!?


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It is more likely that the dog vaulted off his person. In free-style frisbee contests you will see a lot of vaulting off the owner/trainer. I hear there is a lot of controversy over it now as there can be serious sport injuries to the dog. I used to compete my old dog but we never vaulted.

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I had a bitch that could jump that high on her own. I hated it but she just got so excited by the frisbee. It's called "Skying". She still plays Frisbee with her current owners (handlers for a public park) and I just know she's going to end up retiring with early onset arthritis. Her hips are perfect, though, so at least I don't have that worry.


She can literally get over my husband's head (6 feet) for a tossed Frisbee. I have a picture somewhere but my scanner's broken.

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