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now that dog will hunt...

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i heard twitch barking his darn head off down in the pasture, so nova and i went down to investigate. the old man, very proud of himself had treed a racoon. he was quite pleased. after praising him for a job well done, i called him off.



he immediatley ran back into the woody ravine and scared up a feral cat. right up the same tree!



the neighbor raises feral cats, feeding them and allowing them to breed rampantly. we don't hurt them, but i do try to keep them off the property.


i did want to sit around and watch who got out of the tree first and how all that worked out, but i called everyone into the house before any damage could be done.


here is the proud hunter after his 2 bagger. a little grass stained and muddy but very pleased with himself!



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How many barks per minute? :):D


In my area (SW Virginia), one of the features at the annual FolkLife festival is a coon dog competition. The competition consists of the contestants bringing their coondogs to a central 'tree' (basically an ~ 20'-25' bare trunk) where a fake raccoon is perched on the top. I think the 'raccoon' is a raccoon pelt. The dog that barks the most times within a specific time period (30 seconds or one minute, I forget) wins.


Maybe you should bring Twitch down and compete! :D:D



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There's a good boy! :)



(...And speaking of dogs in non-traditional occupations, it has crossed my mind to let Hannah have a go at it with the Retrievers down at the Chesapeake).:lol:

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next racoon (or cat) i'll count/time the barks to see if he is competition worthy!! he could use a new hobby as he is really slowing down in agility. he never could herd very well. he just gathers the sheep in a corner and barks at them. so an event where he can just bark at a tree might be right up his alley! :lol:

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next racoon (or cat) i'll count/time the barks to see if he is competition worthy!! he could use a new hobby as he is really slowing down in agility. he never could herd very well. he just gathers the sheep in a corner and barks at them. so an event where he can just bark at a tree might be right up his alley! :lol:

I had no idea what a coon dog competition entailed. I find it (the competition) rather uni-dimensional and boring, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I am guessing that those dogs that bark most are the ones that are easiest to find once they have treed a coon - so I guess the competition does test one aspect of their 'working ability'.


I had no idea that there were different breeds of coondogs. The ones that are brought to the competition are very handsome and well-kept.


It would be interesting to find out if the coondog competition is limited to the coondog breeds (registered or otherwise).



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i was just joshing about entering him in a coonhound competition. ;)


we'll keep our barking down here at the farm!

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i was just joshing about entering him in a coonhound competition. ;)


we'll keep our barking down here at the farm!

Oh, I figured that. :)


But seriously, since the competition only measures barks per minute, someone could come in with a dog trained to bark at a 'coon. And to further that thought, a dog with short barks - a little yappie dog like a chihuahua? - could beat a dog with 'longer' barks.


So I am assuming that the competition is limited to coondogs.


Anyway, my mind should be more productively used than thinking about coondog competitions and how to upset the status quo - but sometimes I can't control it. :D


Jovi :D

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