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Bragging about Addie

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I have read the instructions and am still unable to post a picture. It says they are too big. My Addie turned 5 months old this week. I just realized the other day that she has gone from a little fuzzy baby into a long legged gawky kid. Her legs suddenly look so long, she is skinny, her head looks too small, her butt is big.. she is just going through that gawky pup stage that I know she will grow out of. She has gone from an over hyper puppy to a very sweet girl. For the most part, she has stopped her puppy biting of everyone and loves to give hugs and kisses. Since, having my grandchildren here, she has developed a love of "human food" from items thrown off a highchair, dropped on the floor, or stolen from a little hand when I wasn't looking. She refuses to eat her Taste of the Wild Salmon dog food and will let it sit until it is stale and she is desperate. She sits on command, walks very nicely on her leash, knows the "down" command and obeys most of the time even though her legs are dancing because she wants to jump up so badly. She speaks, shakes hands and recently started to bring back her ball when I throw it to her. We are not up to the "stay" command as I think that is still a little out of reach. But the good news is she has turned from a hyper biting pup into a very sweet and loving girl. I think Love and patience is key as well as crating her when she got to rowdy. Thanks to the advice that I received from the great people in this group. She has also started to develop a very sweet protective instinct over the babies and when they cry, she goes running to them, kissing their faces (not that they like that) and acting very concerned. I got hurt the other day, and I started crying (big baby.. but a board fell on my head) and I thought she'd have a nervous breakdown, she was so concerned. She follows me everywhere. Which sometimes, I feel sorry for her because I'm only getting up to go down stairs and get a cup of coffee but she is always right there. Poor thing, if I get up to go to the bathroom at 3:00 in the a.m. I turn around and she is right there with me, and waits outside the bathroom door. Her intelligence, never ceases to amaze me. I tried to trick her a few times when I wanted her to stay in the bedroom and not follow me. I acted like I was coming back in and then once she was in, quickly slipped out the door and closed it. Now, she stands in the middle of the door way and will not come in unless I walk half way through the room. She won't let me pull a fast one on her. So, for first time BC owners of a younger pup, it really does get so much better (if you have a hyper, over zealous pup on your hands). I am so in love with her. I just wish she would eat her dog food. Any thoughts on this? I am worried about her nutrition. Her weight was o.k. at her last Vet check but a little on the light side. Is it possible that she just hates TOTW? I did switch for the Prairie variety to the Salmon, which was suppose to be easier to digest. I do crate her when the kids eat lunch so she cannot steal or sneak the left overs. And the garbage can is covered, she can't get into that. She just holds out for so long about eating this dog food that I am worried. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

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I'd say try a different kind of food. I used TOTW for years and all of a sudden my old dog really seemed to hate it. So trying to keep everyone on the same kind I switched to a different kind. Chicken soup for the dog lover. It does have grain but I'm not noticing much difference in the dogs except Raven eats a bit more willingly. And she doesn't stink as much as she did on TOTW which I didn't know she was stinking cause of dog food I just thought is was old lady stink. I do have the 15 minute rule, if they don't eat with in 15 minutes I pick up the dish and they don't get another chance till next meal. Otherwise Raven would sit and guard her food all day but never eat it


I have also been known to put a topper of yogurt or cottage cheese or some other treat on top of the food cause I'm a sucker!


Do be careful about switching if you are going to switch to a food with grain in it. Mine were a bit sensitive to the change but got over it quickly. Also their poo's are twice the size now since there's more roughage in their food. :(

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I'd say try a different kind of food. I used TOTW for years and all of a sudden my old dog really seemed to hate it. So trying to keep everyone on the same kind I switched to a different kind. Chicken soup for the dog lover. It does have grain but I'm not noticing much difference in the dogs except Raven eats a bit more willingly. And she doesn't stink as much as she did on TOTW which I didn't know she was stinking cause of dog food I just thought is was old lady stink. I do have the 15 minute rule, if they don't eat with in 15 minutes I pick up the dish and they don't get another chance till next meal. Otherwise Raven would sit and guard her food all day but never eat it


I have also been known to put a topper of yogurt or cottage cheese or some other treat on top of the food cause I'm a sucker!


Do be careful about switching if you are going to switch to a food with grain in it. Mine were a bit sensitive to the change but got over it quickly. Also their poo's are twice the size now since there's more roughage in their food. :(


Thanks so much.. I think I will switch her as she really seems to hate this food. What is funny, when I read that is that a few people I know, including my X husband, went on an all Protein/low or no carb diet and they too stunk. It must be all that protein. It's the same in people. I have tried putting yogart on her food but she just licked it off. At five months old, maybe I will switch back to the Royal Canin puppy formula, she really seemed to like that. Thanks again.. I so appreciate the advice.

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What is funny, when I read that is that a few people I know, including my X husband, went on an all Protein/low or no carb diet and they too stunk. It must be all that protein. It's the same in people.

Just a little off topic - when humans go on the Atkin's diet (no carb), they excrete ketones - which is why they smell.


Regarding Addie-just to make clear, she get no other food - other than her kibble? Nothing, Nada? I am a little confused because you say she likes human food that your grandchildren drop, but that she is crated while they eat. Is she also getting food from them at other times of the day? Snack time? If so, she is probably smart enough to wait it out until the kids come again so she can get the good stuff.


I have no problem with changing foods if your dog really doesn't like one brand. When my old girl, Ritz, was younger (10 years ago), I changed her to California Naturals (I think that was the brand) to feed her a higher quality diet. She did OK for about 3-4 weeks, then didn't want to touch it. Since she was a finicky eater, I thought it was just her, being finicky. And I made her eat it (not) for another 3 weeks, and then I noticed that her coat was very dull. I decided to switch foods, and she started eating again and her coat began to shine.


If you are going to add something to the kibble to try and make it tastier, I usually mix it in well, rather than just topping it.


Good Luck,


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Just a little off topic - when humans go on the Atkin's diet (no carb), they excrete ketones - which is why they smell.


Regarding Addie-just to make clear, she get no other food - other than her kibble? Nothing, Nada? I am a little confused because you say she likes human food that your grandchildren drop, but that she is crated while they eat. Is she also getting food from them at other times of the day? Snack time? If so, she is probably smart enough to wait it out until the kids come again so she can get the good stuff.


I have no problem with changing foods if your dog really doesn't like one brand. When my old girl, Ritz, was younger (10 years ago), I changed her to California Naturals (I think that was the brand) to feed her a higher quality diet. She did OK for about 3-4 weeks, then didn't want to touch it. Since she was a finicky eater, I thought it was just her, being finicky. And I made her eat it (not) for another 3 weeks, and then I noticed that her coat was very dull. I decided to switch foods, and she started eating again and her coat began to shine.


If you are going to add something to the kibble to try and make it tastier, I usually mix it in well, rather than just topping it.


Good Luck,


It's very hectic around my house lately.. Cheerio's seem to be in every crack and crevice!!! She does go in the crate when they eat breakfast and lunch. Sometimes, I don't get to clean up the floor around the high chair immediately because if she's been quiet, I like to let her out as soon as they are done.. Now that I realize that, I am making a habit of cleaning up first. Also, they have cookies or snacks during the day when we are all out in the back yard and she sneaks up and steals them. Plus, as I posted in the funniest food post, she has learned that standing under our BBQ grill, gets her meat drippings. I guess they must not be hot because it does not seem to bother her. She gets full of chicken or hamburger grease and then licks if off of her coat. Memorial day weekend she had 4 baths due to her Greasy discovery. She did also get in the trash a few times before I got a can with the lid and now she can't get in. So, she has tasted human food. We give her ice cream as a special treat once in awhile.. Probably a big no no but the ice cream parlor down the street from us sells doggie cones with a little vanilla and a dog bisquit on top. I am going to switch her back to the Royal Canin puppy for her breed size and see if she likes that better. Thanks again for all the tips. :)

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Another thought....it was about that age when I got Maggie and she seemed to be disinterested in her food and sometimes having trouble chewing...Duh--she was teething...once we got beyond that she returned to normal eating.

Thanks.. that thought never occurred to me and she is teething badly. She does love her "greenies" and her bisquits though. Maybe the pieces are too big, hard or painful for her to chew. That is why I'm going to switch back to the Royal Canin puppy. This was an eye opener. thanks again.

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