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Akoma Hound Cooler Dog Bed

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Has anyone used something like this. I am going to participate in a disc dog competition in Atlanta and the possibility of it being hot is good. Dexter is still young and gets tired quickly in the heat. This seems like a good solution just incase the day turns out to be 90º






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Hmmm. I'd experiment with a battery powered fan, some shade, and/or a gel cooling mat before I bought one of these.


My old girl loved her gel mat, but it took a little time to get her used to it.


If you're part of a disc dog club, check with other members and see what they use to keep their pups cool.


Good luck at the competition.



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A problem I could see with this is over-cooling. Once the dog has cooled down, then it could get chilled. Ruth's ideas sound reasonable and with less to go wrong, perhaps?


Her idea of checking what other folks use is a very good one.

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Asking local experts should prompt some good suggestions for the local weather conditions.


I am not sure I like the idea of a 'forced' cooling bed for a normal, healthy dog. I would prefer fans or cool mats. I also like the cool coats sold by Clean Run. And don't forget to give your dog a cool down period (walk him around) after extreme exercise.


As Sue R. mentioned, be aware that if you use multiple cooling sources, the dog may actually become chilled. I have seen it happen.


Also consider a nutritional supplement such as Glyco-Gen (http://www.k9energyedge.com) or other alternatives

which can help with heat tolerance and recovery after extreme exercise.


Common sense is your best friend and continual monitoring of your dog. Shade, fans, water, walking him around, etc.



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Not trying to be a wet blanket, and I may be reading something into your post wrong, but...


Isn't Dexter the BC you acquired as a young puppy this November? That makes him what, seven months old now?


If it were my dog, I'd be worried about entering him in a disc dog competition at this tender age. I'm guessing his growth plates aren't yet closed, so I wouldn't even be throwing a frisbee if it were my puppy. But perhaps that isn't what you mean, and you're entering an older dog, or only going as a spectator. (But you did say you were going to "participate in a disc dog competition").

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Not trying to be a wet blanket, and I may be reading something into your post wrong, but...


Isn't Dexter the BC you acquired as a young puppy this November? That makes him what, seven months old now?


If it were my dog, I'd be worried about entering him in a disc dog competition at this tender age. I'm guessing his growth plates aren't yet closed, so I wouldn't even be throwing a frisbee if it were my puppy. But perhaps that isn't what you mean, and you're entering an older dog, or only going as a spectator. (But you did say you were going to "participate in a disc dog competition").


Yes, he is young. He will be competing in the novice devision. I will be throwing him some rollers and some short low hovering tosses. Nothing that all for feet come off the ground. We are not there to win we are there to introduce Dexter to the trial environment. One of the great things about this club is the dogs health comes first

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