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Found a trainer :) now I have LOTs of questions


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I'm happy to say I found a trainer that's only 2 hours from my place. His name is Dan Tulloch. From my conversation with him, I gathered he trials mainly in Western Canada but has been to trials in S. Ontario for sure.

Anyway, my questions..... Given the driving distance and his schedule, I can likely only train on sheep once a week and maybe occasionally twice a week. If you don't have your own sheep, how often do you train? How much can be done without sheep?

After watching the trials in Kingston, I'm hooked and now I know I'll probably want to get a 'trial' dog at some point in time although Cricket is only 3 so it's possible I could trial a bit with her...provided I know what I'm doing :rolleyes: before she's alot older!

Jazz is 7 already, so I'm just hoping he'll enjoy the challenge of learning something new.

Since I'm not really keen on trying to train a puppy anytime too soon, would it be possible to find a younger dogs who has had some training?

And of course, when that time comes, (see, I didn't say IF) what do you personally look for in a trial dog? Hm, that's probably such a detailed question - maybe someon could point me in the right direction to get that kind of info.


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The best advice I can offer you is to find a retiring open trial dog or pay the extra money for a started dog; they already know what they're supposed to do and this will help you learn.


This is a team sport and figuring out what types of dogs you like and work best with (may not be the same type of dog) is part of the learning process.



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I like Mark's advice to get a trained dog. I did early on and it really helped me to see what is going on.


(Some would disagree that I really have seen this, though. Let me also add, pre-emptively: Shut up, Sam Furman.)


"Started dog"



Mark (and anyone else): what does this term mean to you?


Sometimes it seems to mean some or all of: is "broke", knows flanks, has a small but good outrun. Maybe drives a little.


Sometimes it seems to mean: has, on several occasions, "started" running toward the sheep and even has "started" to eat them on occasion.


And everything in-between.



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Kris, Kris, Kris... cool2.gif


You are in denial. You must accept the fact that you will be getting your own sheep. Honesty about this is the first step on the road to *cough* recovery *cough*.


(I have met someone who lived in an L.A. apartment, worked sheep only on weekends and qualified for the Finals, and I know of a couple Open handlers who don't have their own sheep --- but these folks tend to be the types who wake at four every morning and drive out to the country to work their dogs.)


Seriously, start planning now for sheep. Contact local wool-raising organizations, ag. groups, schools/universities/colleges with ag. programs, friends, neighbors... research breeds and have fun. If you've got the land, great --- if not, see who has barns/pens/pastures, and ring those doorbells :cool:


For what it's worth :D here's my little saga: I first saw working border collies in The National Geographic Book of Dogs, waaaaay back when I was a dog-crazy kid. Knew I'd have one someday. Knew I wouldn't get one unless I could work it on stock.


So years went by... many good dogs... a few horses... and it was finally time for a sheepdog. I did some research, visited some trainers and border collie trials and found a good litter. (Along the way I fell in love with Ken Dugan's Cody, a mad keen, mostly black, slick-coated young dog, and that type has been my hands-down fave ever since.) Happily enough, Bracken turned out to be not only mad keen but talented (she took me to Open), and by the time she was ten months old I was looking for a place to keep sheep.


Turned out there was a beautiful old dairy farm on the edge of town, and the city had purchased the property with Open Space funds to preserve a bit of our area's agricultural heritage. A barn, pens, pastures... I rang a doorbell... and I've been keeping sheep there ever since. (I even lived in the farmhouse for a few years.) My first sheep were three culled, black faced range ewes, free from a wonderful man who kept a good-sized (thousands) commercial flock nearby and invited us to help move them up and down the canyons... but I've droned on long enough :rolleyes:


It's so cool that you've found a trainer and are headed down the Working Border Collie Path of No Return. I hope you'll be able to keep some sheep of your own. I've long since gone from thinking of sheep as evil necessities "kept for the dogs" to regarding them as interesting, lovely, permanent fixtures in my life: "gentle, splendid" animals, in Donald McCaig's words. Which isn't to suggest that I don't still cuss at 'em now and then :D (You'll view "The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf'" in a whole new light. And if you read the Bible it'll never be quite the same: "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?") You'll never regret having your own flock.

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Hehehehehe Tell Ole Danny Boy I said HI! He is a super nice guy, I worked his Tip for awhile if he has forgotten who I am.


Hey Charlie Wonder, have you truely seen the light???? I feel I should break into a song or something. When are you coming east you big chicken???? I am starting to think the legendary bucket boy is like the headless horseman on bigfoot or something...is bucket boy or Charlie Torre a pen name or something?


As far as started dogs go, beware the dog trader in sheeps clothing or something like that...there was a good purdy and ruff article in American border collie mag awhile back that dealt with that very subject... How true it is! If you didnt get to read it let me know and I will print it here.

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Sam, I'll definitely say hi to Dan for you..and tell him about your success with Fred If it's possible, could you post the article from the magazine.


Kris, Kris, Kris...


You are in denial. You must accept the fact that you will be getting your own sheep. Honesty about this is the first step on the road to *cough* recovery *cough*.

Hm....I probably will get sheep since I do have the land, but, it's not fenced yet, there's no animal barn, and I'm still struggling with what to 'do' with the sheep since I've already confessed on numerous occasions that all animals that I have would need to die of old age :D A great farmer, I would not be!

That being said, it's all part of the grand plan. In the meantime, I might be able to find one of the farmers close by who would be willing to keep a few sheep for me until I'm set up.


Dan did say he would let me try working one of his dogs. Of course, that will mean that I have some inkling of what I'm doing!! I hope I'll be a good student :rolleyes:


Maybe some of you experienced folks would be willing to share your first experiences...so I can say..."yes, it's okay that you fell on your a**...so did [insert name here] and look at how great they are now :D

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Well I dunno there CGT, what makes you think it would be worth the trip???? Truth be told, I am yellow, plumb chicken! All I am saddled with right now is a red dog and one called buff...figured my odds werent too good...putting all my hopes on Penn..maybe by then you will get motivated and come east...till then I will just store up all my mega smart one liners, I know you are just quaking in fear.

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Hey Miss TucknJill.

What are you doing messing with my man Charlie? I think we need to invite him to your October trial and treat him really NICELY when he gets there.

Waddya say Charlie? Scott's judging, it's an awesome field, you can do Edgeworth and Seclusival too, and we'd love to have you. Wouldn't we, Sammy Jo? Believe me, Sam's trials are second to none on the fun meter. Ask, ummm, anyone.

Oh, and I believe we now have friends in common? You, me and Lavon (you heard I bought his Sonny dog, right?) So, say you're gonna come, the hell with Nationals and all that stuff.

Waiting on your reply, with bated breath,


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Hey didnt I hear some story about Charlie and a guard dog, what was that??? I remember it was damn funny and I had it on my to do list to raz him about it, and now I have forgotten...I am even failing to remember who told me...but ah wait, I think I remember..a small phone call may be in order..but yes, BB has a standing invitation to come here, though I dont think he would be up for the handlers after hours party..what do you think? Should we hang him out to dry with Alice? That way I could be nice and let Alice take care of my light work! (we really do have an off the charts good time around here most years!)

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Oh come on Weenie..the trials start Oct 13 and run thru Oct 22nd I believe..You will have a blast, guaranteed...Andrea has asked nicely..what more can you ask for? And you say 2000 miles like that is a long way or something..sheesh, wheres a little motivation for petes sakes...whah whah whah.

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Well a little birdy has given me info, they say the key to getting the bucket boy to commute is the promise of firearms, large ones...and shooting things...Should I be scared? Perhapse....Best I can offer is a 38 and a shotgun, dont know if that qualifies as big or lots, but hey I am willing to put it on the table! Whatcha got Andrea?

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"A." :


I didn't know you bought Sonny!

How did that happen?

There's quite a bit of dog there.

How do you like him so far?


Sam :


Now I think I know who your secret source is.

Did he also mention that one of the first things

he said to me after letting me handle one of his

guns was: "Uh, could you not point that at me, please."

Yup, I'm a real expert.

If I actually DID go for the guns I would probably

be removing myself from the gene pool in pretty short





Sorry, this thread has really gone into the twilight zone.



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And here we thought BB stood for Bucket Boy, when really it meant those pellet thingies you use to shoot pigeons in the city.


As to Sonny, I adore him. Best dog I ever owned. Now all I have to do is learn to run him well enough that Scott doesn't have to yell at me for 'grinding' every time I give him an update on the phone.


Hey Kris,

Sorry for the hijack. Say hi to Dan for me too, he's been to a couple of my trials and clinics. Nice guy, and he's got a great family too.



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Darwinism at its finest eh?


A, believe it or not, we ate the turtle yesterday when steve's mom came over...(she wouldnt touch it, but I thought it tasted like chicken) We also ate my four baby bunnies that my darling husband dispatched while I was in Canada..Now that, that was GOOODDDDD EATIN! Yum Yum! I have my own personal supply of KF"B" right in my back yard...happy sam!


Yes Kris, I must appologize too...bad bad people hijacking your thread this way..I did look for that article and I cant find it sorry! :rolleyes:

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It's quite alright...all this insight into the world of sheepherding... :rolleyes: Hmmm... does make me wonder though....is turtle eating a requirement...coz, I'm not sure I'd be up to that! :eek:

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Its not the turtle eating that is a prerequisite, but rather the actual "gutting out" of the turtle...then you can call yourself a handler..Of what we dont know, but a handler none the less... I just dont get why everyone thought (or maybe just andrea) thought that it was so funny that I had "gutted out" a turtle..whats a good southern gal to do anyway...? Thems good eatin!

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