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Male dog causing a flood


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I'll try to keep this short.


About 4 months ago my friends 12yr. old male border collie gave her the slip one morning and refused to come when called. When she finally tracked him down behind the barn he was all excited and panting..Every time she turned away for a minute he took off back there again.


Fast forward to last weekend..He appeared to have problems pooping...and was in quite a bit of distress. At the vets it became clear what he had been doing 4 months early..Seems he ingested a whole rabbit..hide and all. It had made it all the way to the "end" and was stuck. After 4 hours of working on the dog they got it out. Vet said it probably been in there for a long time. Which is why she's thinking it had to happened when he gave her the slip..cause her dogs aren't left out unattended.


Anyway he is recovering nicely..BUT he is leaving HUGE puddles. She caught him wetting as he was running for the door to go out. She can let him out and he pees up a storm then thirty minutes later there is a huge puddle in his kennel. It's unbelieveable how much this dog is wetting. His coat doesn't seem wet..And the puddles are by the door on out in the middle..not like his is going in his sleep or lifting his leg..It's like it runs out of him before he can ask to go out.


Of course the vet has left on vacation.


Do you think it could be the antibiotics he's on. He's getting clavamex and metro.


Any ideas before they all drown.

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It's sounds like he's aware he needs to go and just isn't making it out in time. I too would wonder if there isn't some bruising or similar that occurred during surgery and is causing this issue. Sorry I don't have any brilliant ideas. I would have suggested PPA, but I think the sort of incontinence it helps is the kind that occurs largely without the dog being aware....



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He's not on any steriods. Only thing is the 2 meds I listed. He was on a painkiller (tramado) for 2 days but has been off of that for a while now.


We thought brusing too but it not just the accidents it the amount. He peeing more then a race horse on lasix.

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Is his intake more now? Had his intake decreased during the blockage? Sounds like a vet trip. I wonder if there was bladder involvement and now with the hairball gone the bladder is not as restricted, loss of tone. Does the urine look concentrated? Or clear water? Hope they get him back on track and all is well!

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We totally agree about the vet but he is on vacation..


His energy level is great..in fact he was dying to get to the sheep this morning. He had blood tests and everything was okay except his white count was up some.


He's eating great and yes he does seem to be drinking more water then usual. His urine is clear..looks like someone dumped a bucket of water on the floor.


I'm babysitting him today as she had a family reunion..been taking him out every 40 minutes and so far no accidents.


Tonight is his last meds..


Vet returns on tues. hope by then this is resolved

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Good luck to you and your friend getting this sorted out. Is there another vet the dog could see tomorrow instead of waiting for her usual vet to return on Tuesday?


My only experience with this degree of increased drinking/increased urination has been with diabetes insipidus. However, the onset of this dog's symptoms doesn't seem to fit DI--or at least what I know about DI. I definitely know how frustrating and exhausting it can be to encounter this type of problem, and I hope your friend gets some answers soon.

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