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NADAC Championships

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In case anyone is interested, the NADAC Championships are this week. The pre trial is going on now and Thur - Sun are the Championship runs. Lucia qualified this year for the first time and we head out tomorrow :rolleyes: She is dog #119 in the daily run order and we are running 16"skilled.


This first link is by 3Pines productions and is run by some friends of mine :D




This is the Agility Vision site



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I haven't checked in here all week because I've been completely sucked into the live feed. lol So I didn't know that I "knew" you, but I've seen you run several times!! :rolleyes:


I'm sad to not be there this year. At first I said I didn't care, but watching it on the internet sucks -- Especially because it just looks so much better this year than last year when I went. We were miserable last year -- 93 degrees, humid & no air conditioning.


But I wasn't jealous when I heard it went past midnight again last night. I ran Weavers at 1:15 a.m. last year and it SUCKED.

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The runs have been great and last night was super late :D Today was better. All runs done at 10:30 :D Lucia has been doing really well today. Haven't placed, but fast and clean. Yesterday was a bad day because she has areana anxiety. We borrowed a Thunder Shirt to walk to the line with. When I hand over treats, I hand over the shirt and we're off. It has improved her running today twice fold :D We placed 5th in teams today, so at least we get to go home with one ribbon so far :rolleyes:


The dogs here are FAST!!!! Not sure if we'll ever make time to place. My goal is clean and efficient and so for so good. I'm proud of my girl :D Two more days and lots more chances!

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Two of my herding students made it to the Finals. Courtney Roller and DeltaBluez Logan, in the Jr and I think she got High combined Jr of the year. Monique and Zora, the worldest cutest pap. I am watching the agility and sheepdog finals at the same time.


Courtney picked Logan when he was a couple of days old, almost four years ago. She has trained him in herding as well as agility. I hope to get her on the trial field soon. In our fun trials, she got first in Novice and ranch. In agility, she rocks. She is 17 yrs old and a sweet gal...we are so pleased for her.


Monqiue runs DeltaBluez Lucy in OPen Sheepdog and is a succesful Open handler. She also runs agility and is a great instructor. Two of the nicest people to make the agility finals and we are rooting for them!!


Haven't done a bit of work on the farm today, but having a great time watching the live feeds.

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That's very cool! I remember watching all their runs. Awesome dog and handler teams. Packing up now and heading home. Quite an event that I can't wait to go to again. Lucia isn't quite fast enough for this kind of competition, but we did great over all and stayed in the top half at least. So proud of my baby dog :rolleyes:

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Courtney and Logan rocked :D They were high point Jr team and also placed second (I think) over all in their class. I love her dog and you can send me a DeltaBluez pup anytime you find an extra one hanging around :rolleyes:


I can't wait to get Grady out there. Since Lucia averages 4YPS we are in it for a really good time. She loves it as much as I do. Grady averages 7YPS and at 2 1/2 still hasn't opened up yet. He'll be my stakes dog when he gets his head out of his butt :D

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Yes, you do see some of the fastest NADAC dogs in the country at Champs. Luke was in the super-competitive 20+ class last year and I knew he didn't have a hope of placing amongst the over 40 Border Collies we were competing against (he is an 80lb Lab/Shepherd -- Fast, but not as fast as the BC!). Our shining moment was placing 4th in the first round of Hoopers. Best day ever! lol


Next year Luke will hit Vet status and I think he'll have a better shot at placing -- Not to mention that two more years of experience will have made him more consistent than he was last year. Boy did I want a shot to run him on those courses this year -- They would have made him very happy.


I think the qualification rules this year tightened up the competition some over last year. Last year Sharon allowed Open level dogs to run for the Versatility Cup and people could also run in individually qualified events (ie: jumpers, hoopers, tunnelers, etc.). This year, you had to qualify in all events, which made for more well-rounded teams. The quality of runs I watched on the live feed was really amazing -- So much better than last year, IMO.


Did Sharon make an official announcement regarding next year? Rumor was that she didn't like the Purina Center, so it wouldn't be there -- But now the latest rumor is that Champs WILL, indeed, be at Gray Summit next year.


Time to start entering Kaiser in Hoopers to round out his qualifications. Oh lord, that will be fun...

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No official announcement yet, but as far as i can tell, MO is the spot of choice. The runs this past weekend were awesome. i felt very proud to be part of it and hope to be able to join them again in coming years. I'm proud of my baby dog and thought she great in such a stressfull setting. Placing in the top 1/3 was more than i could have asked for and teams is a total blast and a well needed stress reliever over the weekend :rolleyes:

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Courtney and Logan rocked :D They were high point Jr team and also placed second (I think) over all in their class. I love her dog and you can send me a DeltaBluez pup anytime you find an extra one hanging around :rolleyes:


I have sold to agility homes but on spay/nueter contract and they also do herding as part of the deal. Plus spoiling the dog is a requirement too ;-)

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Sounds perfect! The S/N part is a given and my friends think I'm over the top in the spoilage department, but I wonder how many sheep I can fit in my RV :rolleyes: I really do wish I had more access to sheep (just a couple months in the winter time). It's so much fun when we get to play in the pasture :D


Tell Courtney and Monique to keep up the good work. To see teenagers with poise, confidence and compasion rolled into one is a rarity these days.

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Sharon did announce at the awards ceremony that next year's Champs will definitely be in the St. Louis area. She has some concerns about the footing/surface at Purina Farms' new facility, but they are working on it, and hope to have it satisfactory. If that specific location doesn't work out, it will STILL be in the St. Louis area.


My sweet boy also did well after a very rocky start.....three first places, one second, one fourth - including the single fastest time in the silly Sunday morning course, and second in the final round, variously described as Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (his new nickname...) and a near-train-wreck several times over. He ended up second overall in the 20/20+ group - surpassed by Susan Perry & Chevy (aussie), by 2.4 points out of 826! Susan has won multiple Champs in various categories, and I'm pretty sure Chevy is a 20" dog - so in my mind, we WON the 20+ group!


Having been to several national events, I have to say NADAC puts on the best show! It is just simply FUN - while competitive, it is wonderful to be in the company of so many supportive people, so much purple, and so many great dogs! If you ever get the chance to attend - go for it!


Diane & Bracken, 4.5 yr old Mr. Toad

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Wow, Diane -- That is AWESOME!!!! Congrats!


I did some digging around to find info on the flooring at Purina Farms -- Hard to do, since it's so brand new. I found this:



Oh my.


Worst flooring ever? Could be close. Some people are saying, "Give it 6 months to season and the traction will improve." I don't ever see it improving enough to run NADAC agility. Dogs will be sliding all over the place. Not good.


Word has it that there is another option in the St. Louis area. Apparently Champs was held at the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis in 2005. If Purina Farms doesn't pan out (likely...), it sounds like this is where we would have Champs in 2011.




Dirt. Yes. Go there.


Although that might shoot Kaiser's chances all to heck. We are lucky to see a NADAC trial on dirt once a year around here, so he doesn't have much experience on it. His one and only trial on dirt was pretty bad (distractions). BUT, Luke loves dirt, so I say bring it on.

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Word has it that there is another option in the St. Louis area. Apparently Champs was held at the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis in 2005. If Purina Farms doesn't pan out (likely...), it sounds like this is where we would have Champs in 2011.




Dirt. Yes. Go there.


Although that might shoot Kaiser's chances all to heck. We are lucky to see a NADAC trial on dirt once a year around here, so he doesn't have much experience on it. His one and only trial on dirt was pretty bad (distractions). BUT, Luke loves dirt, so I say bring it on.


Don't know how the footing is for dogs but when we were there in 2002 with the horses it had a lot of grip and it was FAST!!! My horse loved it, won my National Championship Buckle there. Next best footing was Kentucky Horse Park

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KHP would be an interesting idea for a Champs location. Especially considering all of the construction they just did to host the (currently ongoing) World Equestrian Games. Still a very central location. Hmm.... Maybe worth bringing up to Sharon for future years.


I do hope that they go with the Lake St. Louis location and not the Purina Event Center. That flooring is hideous.

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