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Not to be overly dramatic


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Odin really pulled his weight today :rolleyes:


Long story short, I have these hormone surges lately that either cause me to have insomnia, or to almost feel like I've been given a sleeping pill. I had gotten only about 9 hours of sleep over the past two nights - one of which was spent in a hotel about 4 hours away for work. I've been bring Odin on work trips with me this field season.


Today we left the hotel and worked in the field for most of the day, and then left again for home. The drive was going well until about midway, I started feeling really tired with about 110 miles to go. I was rolling down the window, etc., and thinking I would be ok. Then Odin started really whining. I was kind of irritated, but figured he had to go potty (wouldn't have surprised me if he had an upset tummy as he drank gross water today and ate cow pies when I was engrossed in my work). So I pulled off the highway and looked for a place to park. Suddenly, I felt SO tired I almost passed out - it was really weird sensation. The closest I can describe is one time after a car accident I was given IV drugs in the ER and it felt kind of like that. I pulled into a parking space at the closest lot, and it was lucky I didn't hit anything driving into it! I then put my seat back and immediately went to sleep without taking Odin out. I woke up about 45 minutes later and he was just resting calmly in the backseat, and didn't seem to need to even go out! I felt much better so then we continued on our way.


Good boy!!!


PS - he also helped for real with some stock today!! There were about 30 head of cattle being boogers and standing near a gate I had to drive out. --Acting like they would start slipping out when I moved the truck through. So I asked Odin to take a flank around them - he got the correct flank and belled out nicely - it worked the way I had wanted! He grouped them and the mildly inside flank between me and the fence also pushed them off the gate. These aren't dog broke cattle, though, and they took off running as they grouped and he started coming up the side towards the heads. So he never got to finish the flank by going all the way round - he instead looked back at me for instruction and then followed them away from the gate. Not chasing. I watched for a few seconds to see what he would do, if he would get enough courage to go around to the heads. But as they got farther away from me he got less confident (which shouldn't be a surprise, he is very green). At about 150-20 yards one cow turned and challenged him and he backed off, but then stood his ground and the cow took off again and rejoined it's group. I figured that was certainly enough and called that'll do and brought him back. But I still thought it was a victory - he had never worked cattle before, but took the correct flank, even a tad inside, and did exactly what I wanted to get done, with minimum stress to the cattle (as I drove out, already grazing peacefully but just away from the gate) and no injury to him. :D His first "real work".

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WOW - what a day! Good boy, Odin! He must have felt you were starting to slip into a weird state. Incredible story, how lucky you were to have him with you! And then the cow work?! He certainty earned his keep today :rolleyes:

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Ooky, sometimes low blood sugar will do that to a pregnant woman... I used to get very shaky and have to lie down for a few minutes before I could get to lunch when I worked at a hosp. as a Physical Therapy Assistant. Good thing we had plinths I could lie on for a few minutes in the dept. I was in!

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A big gold medal to Odin -- he's really attuned to you! And a good work buddy!


Also, I second having your blood sugar levels checked...not to diagnose long distance, but it does sound very much like either low blood sugar or perhaps low blood pressure? At any rate, Odin would like it very much if you called your doctor :rolleyes:.

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There are so many stories about animals being able to sense when things aren't right.


I have no doubt that Odin sensed that something wasn't right and was alerting you.


Good boy!


edit: my first BCx was so intuitive he knew how I felt before I did. Too bad I was too young and stupid to realize what I had, at the time. I'd give my left ovary to have him back.

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Thanks for the suggestions! After last night I though it was weird too, so no worries, I'll be at the drs tomorrow getting a diabetes test. Fun! :rolleyes:


I just love, trust, and rely on this dog more every day he gets older, I think. He's really starting to act grown up, and just in time to help me welcome the new baby in the family.

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Wow ! Im glad your ok ! It could have went so differently hadnt Odin whined and made you pull over. Animals have a uncanny way of telling something is not quite right . Odin certainly saved your life , and thats not being overly dramatic in my book !

Like you said , if its "the" hormonal thing , there are suppliments for your symptoms. But like ejano mentioned your blood sugar and pressure may have something to do with your incident. Glad your going tomorrrow to do some testing. Hope your not driving alone. :rolleyes:


Give Odin a great big hug and a nice treat .... :D


Be Well.. :D

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Glad you are okay and WTG Odin.


I have had those spells when pregnant also, and almost passed out a couple times, I think it is usually more of a low blood pressure issue than a blood sugar issue, but they always do the diabetes test on preggo's anyway. Good luck and hope that it doesn't happen again.

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