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Teebo gets neutered tomorrow

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Yep that's right. He gets the ol snip snip tomorrow. I know he will be ok but I always hate leaving them over night at the vets. I always feel like I abandon them there. He will be able to come home Thursday morning. Oh the fun of keeping them quiet after the surgery. Has anyone made some kind of shirt to put on them after to keep him from licking it? I want something other than the cone but I'm not sure how to make one. Wish him luck for tomorrow!

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That's what I asked them, because I would rather have him home, but they said they have to keep him over night. I'm going to talk to them more tomorrow before I drop him off. I know sometimes being a small vet office they get behind on surgerys and don't actually get them done until early afternoon. So that might be why they want to keep him. I am going to find more out though. Everytime they want to keep one of my guys over night I always talk them out of it :rolleyes:

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Well I think some vets like to keep them becAuse they stay confined and can really rest. But IMO I think they do better at home but I don't think you should worry I'm sure he will just sleep it off the whole night and give you a challange the next day of trying to keep him calm! :0). As for the cone they do sell inflatable donuts that go around the neck that prevent them from being able to turn his neck alot to lick. Works well and they seem more comfortable.


Good luck and I'm sure all will Be over before you know it!

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I've never had one have to stay in overnight, not even my bitch when she was spayed.

Only one of them ever needed to be prevented from getting at the wound and that was over 10 years ago with external stitches. All the others have had intradermal stitches that didn't bother them at all.

However, I do sleep in the same room with them for the first night or two to keep an ear out for movement.



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Robin and Brodie are going on Friday. I'm not anticipating any problems - the last male dog we had neutered did just fine and he was about their age....we get to bring them home in the early evening. I remember Willie was sitting up and wagging his tail when I went to get him. Quite different from spaying a female...


The trick will be keeping the two of them quiet....



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i talked to the vet and they said he came though ok. He was a little slow coming to so they decided to keep him over night. So I only wasted 30 min talking them into letting me being him home for nothing. So first thing tomorrow I will pick him up. Its going to be really quiet without him here tonight though.

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I brought him home at noon today from the vets and he seems to be doing good. He sure was happy to be home though! My vet did a really good job and it looks good. He hasn't tried to lick it much so far, he's been a really good boy since I brought him home. I will see how quiet I can keep him for a week or so :rolleyes: I'm just happy he's home with us tonight.

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