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I don't understand people...

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this was on the news last night. Broke my heart. :D I don't know what possesses people! :rolleyes:




The sad thing is, people do those things to their children too...anyone who mistreats an animal should be considered a child abuse risk as well.


Glad the pups are okay!



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Well, at least these guys have a chance now...


It’s an odd thing. These terrible things happen to animals all the time. Occasionally a wire service or a television station will pick up the story. There will be a huge outcry, and people will line up to give money or adopt the animal.


Back in 1976 in Los Angeles a puppy was found in a dumpster, wrapped in charred newspaper. He had survived an attempt to immolate him, and had been thrown into the dumpster. He was brought to a privately run shelter. The six o’clock news ran the story. In less than 24 hours they had raised over a quarter of a million dollars for his treatment and rehabilitation.


I talked with a volunteer at the shelter in question and she told me that over a hundred people came in or called to ask to adopt him over the next few days. They were told that he had an adoptive person already – one of the staff was taking him. They were encouraged to take a look at the many other dogs and puppies, but most declined. It seems that only the famous, burned puppy was of interest.


The shelter did re-home more dogs than usual in the ensuing week or two, and they also received the all the money that had been donated for the puppy – after his expenses were met. So some good came of the horrific act of violence visited on the pup. But I think about it from time to time and I wonder about all those people that were so anxious to adopt that unfortunate little dog, but had no interest in his less-brutalized but still needy brethren.

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I couldnt get myself to watch the video , but your right Liz, people do this to their children too . I hate this story, but studies have shown that people who brutalize animals and have a fasination with fire , and wet their beds as children , turn into child molestors.

Being a good friend to a homocide detective opens new doors to coffee table discussions I wish I didnt hear.


Ugh ....Its these kinds of "humans" I feel should be just shot in the head and thrown into a hole and buried. I know its probably too good for them , but throwing them in jail , with a few meals a day and they get molested themselves ,but I feel thats too good for them. I hate thinking like this so close to the new year , but thats how I feel about that subject.

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I couldnt get myself to watch the video ,


The video wasn't so bad, the puppies are adorable, and, yes, it does have a good outcome. It makes me glad I have always adopted and always will. Lacee was due to be put down the day I adopted her from a kill shelter.

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All our dogs love us , whether they were bought or found or adopted. But I think its the ones that are "in a bad way" that are so much more loving to their owners. They just seem to "know" that if it wasnt for their present owner , their life might have been cut short. That's my Nem . I got her out of a real bad situation and she "helped" me thru a bad time in my life.

We just seem to read each other so well , its almost scary for anybody that witnesses it.

We just belong .. :rolleyes:


So I know how you feel luv2napp . God bless you for saving Lacee. I bet you two have the same bond Nem and I do.

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All our dogs love us , whether they were bought or found or adopted. But I think its the ones that are "in a bad way" that are so much more loving to their owners. They just seem to "know" that if it wasnt for their present owner , their life might have been cut short. That's my Nem . I got her out of a real bad situation and she "helped" me thru a bad time in my life.

We just seem to read each other so well , its almost scary for anybody that witnesses it.

We just belong .. :D


So I know how you feel luv2napp . God bless you for saving Lacee. I bet you two have the same bond Nem and I do.


Awww, you two sound amazing. Yes, Lacee and I are very close...she's my girl. When we lost her sister 3 years ago, I was going to adopt another one, but I think Lacee likes being an only "child". :rolleyes: I did have a BC years ago that I rescued that was the one who got me thru my bad time, the death of my 10 year old daughter. She was by my side thru it all. I broke my heart when it was her time to go.

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I couldnt get myself to watch the video , but your right Liz, people do this to their children too . I hate this story, but studies have shown that people who brutalize animals and have a fasination with fire , and wet their beds as children , turn into child molestors.

Being a good friend to a homocide detective opens new doors to coffee table discussions I wish I didnt hear.


Ugh ....Its these kinds of "humans" I feel should be just shot in the head and thrown into a hole and buried. I know its probably too good for them , but throwing them in jail , with a few meals a day and they get molested themselves ,but I feel thats too good for them. I hate thinking like this so close to the new year , but thats how I feel about that subject.


Helpless children who are abused and made to feel worthless tend to grow up abusing those weaker than themselves - typically animals and or children. They often despise themselves and are tormented from the inside. No, they should not be allowed to carry out these horrible acts, but it is so often their own suffering that makes them do evil things. Look into their past and you will find emotional corruption going back for generation upon generation. I know. I'm a fourth generation person who was handed this legacy. When I felt my own demons stirring I gave up my daughter to a loving home that gave her the chance to grow up whole and with a kind of warmth and nurturance that I was unable to provide. Luckily for me, I was able to get help and learn to love myself, so I never had to do any of those awful things that I experienced and feared that I would carry forward. Now I am the grandmother of a beautiful baby girl, and my daughter and I are friends. Even more miraculously, my mother and I have learned to love each other without expectation and with near-perfect acceptance. I would never have believed it possible even 10 years ago - but now our relationship is one of the great treasures of my life.


Anger and hate, revenge and the withholding of compassion only creates more of the same. People should be made to face up to the evil that they do, but even more important, they should learn that there is a better way. Programs like those that take inmates and give them the structured and supervised task of raising dogs for disabled people are given the greatest gift - one that they may never have been given before - the chance to learn about the power of kindness and the joy of unconditional love. That is the road to healing.


My dogs have made me what I am today - imperfect, but aware that there is love for me and a useful place in the world. That greatest gift is mine every day when I wake up and have my morning snuggle with Sugarfoot. We take good car of each other. Lucky us!

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Geonni , I dont know what to say. Im speechless. I stand so corrected , its humbling.

My sincere condolences to you . I do stand by my feelings and experience with my own Nem , that dogs can and do bring out the best in us humans. You need your dog like I need my dog . I feel I am strong enough to stand on my own now , but when the times were tough , she was there to keep me going.

Many hugs to you and encouragement to keep being the best you can be .

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Hey, don't give it a second thought. If I had been the one to find those puppies in that dumpster, my first reaction would have been, "Bloody hell! Where's my 30.06? I wanna blow a hole big enough to walk a bull through in whoever did this!" But after awhile I'd settle down...


Life is lumpy. Gotta learn to chill... I'm still workin' on it too.

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Life is lumpy. I like that..And your right , it is. But knowing how I and everybody feels about their beloved dogs , its just one of those knee jerk reactions I guess , emphasis on the jerk part... :rolleyes:

Thanks for being so understanding Geonni.. :D

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Yes, Geonni... You are right. People who perpetrate on others, human or critter, usually were perpetrated on themselves as youngsters. Rather than shooting them, understanding where they came from makes it a hell of a lot easier to understand and possibly forgive your perpetrator. Really, it should be looked at as a scream for help. People can heal and change their lives. All it takes is deciding the buck stops here with me, and doing what it takes to heal yourself. I so applaud your openness and honesty. That is how change in the world is made. Hiding only perpetuates problems. I too, am an abuse survivor.

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Guest echoica

what a sad but wonderful thread. i have a tear in my eye after reading it. in wonder at how people can be so cruel, but for all of us who survive things that we really should have never been exposed to...and how these pups are getting the chance they deserve in such a world.

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My emotions go haywire when I see things like that. I just cant control myself. I do know what I would do if I actually caught someone doing it and it aint pretty. I just hurt so much when I hear thoses kinds of things , and it takes me a VERY LONG time to get over it. My dogs are my life and my heartbeat , God help the person who trys to hurt them.

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