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I am going to adopt Pete

I have to adopt Peter Frampton...

I don't think Shelby can live without him :D:rolleyes:

or at least that is my excuse...

and Vice Versa for Pete


its SO cute!

I put Shelby in her crate to give them alone time to "chew" on misc. treats and Pete Will drop his treat and start to whine and Lick shelby through the crate... its like he's saying "i'm sorry!" and "Hey! come back out here lil sis"


Any way I feel that his life will best be lived out with Shelby and I :D:D:D

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That's cool! I'm really happy for you. YAY :rolleyes::D



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Yes I Finally got the Semi ok from the SO....

more like he said... (in terms of money)


"You are wanting to keep two dogs a cat and buy a house and a nice car..." which that is his way of saying we can keep pete!!



BTW I need to add that we are one short... Mika ran off again, this time with her collar on. she has claimed a home with some neighbors. they had brought her back... she went to them again. and we made an aggrement that they will become her family. everybody is happy and our home is a little more peaceful!

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