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Christmas decoration

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We just put up our tree and decorated. Maya (7 1/2months) is somewhat sensitive to environmental changes so I hope this doesn't upset her too much. She seems to be doing okay, a little stressed, but not over the top. She is going up to the tree and sniffing it, and sort of nervously pacing around the house, I wonder if I should just put her in her crate or if walking around getting used to everything is better.


Last time we had the carpets cleaned in the living room we moved all the furniture out and she hid under our bed the whole time.

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We just put up our tree and decorated. Maya (7 1/2months) is somewhat sensitive to environmental changes so I hope this doesn't upset her too much. She seems to be doing okay, a little stressed, but not over the top. She is going up to the tree and sniffing it, and sort of nervously pacing around the house, I wonder if I should just put her in her crate or if walking around getting used to everything is better.


Last time we had the carpets cleaned in the living room we moved all the furniture out and she hid under our bed the whole time.

Mine got messed up over us bringing boxes of Xmas stuff down from the upstairs. Then me rushing around trying to get dinner ready. She got rather fractious over that. So in a way I was glad my company couldn't make it. Bad that they were sick, but better for my dog. I'll have to consider giving her a Bach Flower remedy for the next time I think the family will be visiting.
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Mine does not like anything out of place. Maybe this also is true of yours? She keys in on things out of place.

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Daisy doesn't really have any issues with environmental changes exactly, but she does have issues with new and strange things. I usually ask her to "touch" these things and reward her for it. Quickly she'll get over the issue. I would say you should just let Maya walk around and figure it out. Maybe every time she goes near the tree and/or sniffs it reward her with something she likes, treats, toys, games whatever. Perhaps leaving treats near the tree for her to find would be a good idea too...

If you put her in her crate now, every time she's out she will be stressed because she hasn't had time to acclimate to the changes. Making it a good experience for her will help her acclimate to it much, much quicker.

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I don't seem to have those kinds of problems with Jin or Abby. When I got Jin's crate and set it up he didn't even give it a thought when I asked him to get into it.

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Scooter has never been interested or concerned about the four trees we set up every year, nor the gifts under said trees. :rolleyes: Yeah, I'm a Christmas nut! :D


Like Ms. Daisy Duke, if Scooter gets spooked by something new or different we do the "touch" thing and he's fine after that.


Every dog is different though. Play around with some ideas and see what works.

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No issues with change here. My two have been thrown into change with all four feet since I got them. They can still be reactive about things or sulk when they don't really want to be involved, but most things don't stress them out. Tonight i dressed them up in santa and elf costumes and took them to our local holiday parade :rolleyes: It's a true test in patients for any dog. Kids, strollers, strangers, loud christmas music and fire truck sirens.


If your worried, introduce the new things as they come out of the boxes or if you have a live tree, let her sniff it before bringing it in. Let her touch everything to know it's safe. I'm sure it won't take long to get her used to things.

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