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Is my dog ok?

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Hello, I have a 10 month old BC. She is an awesome dog and I love her very much. Only thing is, I've heard (and knew before getting her) that it'd be a lot of work for me to care for her. Well that doesn't seem to be the case. I wasn't working when I got her, and spent a lot of time with her. She seems very happy. I walk her every day, no questions asked, for atleast half an hour, and usually an hour on weekends, even in rain and heavy snow (canada). Only thing is, when we aren't out having fun, she basically is relaxed and sleeps. She's responsive, and not sick...She's just not exactly this little insane dog I was prepared for. She's very calm and loves people and other dogs, I may have socialized her too much. We also play a lot at home. Is it possible she's just a "lazy" border collie? When she's left alone at home, she doesn't destroy the house or cause problems. She does like to follow me everywhere tho and make sure I can go to the bathroom, eat, do laundry, shower, etc safely heh, and I like that. She's also quiet and well mannered (except on the leash sometimes on walks, working on that). Oh and she likes to guard my house when sitting outside with me. Is it possible I give her enough stimulation and love that she's just happy? or could I be doing something wrong? Sorry bout the long post, thanks.

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She sounds alright to me! My dog is very active/energetic outside, but has a great "off" switch for inside.


She follows me around indoors and lays down when i'm in a room doing something. Never gets into anything when I'm gone, and has never destroyed anything (except for a couple footballs). My boss tells people that her 12 y/o mini poodle is more hyper than my dog.


You've probably got a more mellow dog, but you also give her lots of attention and her requirements are well satisfied.


The horror stories are to prepare you for what BC life could be like :rolleyes: . We like to scare off those who will not be commited to doing the type of activities/training that may be required to satisfy a smart energetic dog.

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What the others have said. I find with mine, and with friends' dogs, that if they get an adequate amount of exercise and mental exercise, they are happy to just hang with you.


We've had 4 Border Collies with us on a friend's 5 acre property - dogs free to go where they wanted while we did some painting and gardening chores .... so where these 4 Border Collies? Lying around within a 5 yard radius of us, just hanging around and waiting for some action. Gotta love them.

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I was actually just thinking about this fact yesterday about Dazzle - who seems similar to your pup. Dazzle is great in the house, all the time, never doing any "bad dog" things. Even on days where I don't take her out for even a simple walk (the days when I have the flu. :rolleyes: ). But she isn't "lazy" - she LOVES working on ANYTHING and always wants to but when she isn't - she either plays with a toy by herself (quietly) or she sleeps. With Dazzle, I figured that because of her training she knows not to ever do "bad dog" things (barking, eating bad things, getting into things, etc), even if she is bored. So, in order to make me happy (what BCs live for!), she just sleeps or rests (I don't think she ever is really sleeping. :D ) whenever we are not doing something.


I think that might be the case here. Or, as often happens, your BC is also more laid back (this doesn't mean your dog is lazy, just a bit "less" then other BCs but still more then other breeds).

I agree with the others, enjoy her! If she doesn?t WANT to play, walk, train, etc. then you might have a medical problem and should ask your vet. But from what you said - you just have a great dog with a great "off" switch!

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She sounds a lot like my border collie. In the house she just lays by me. I can take her out for a couple 15 min walks in a day and she is still good. She's never destroyed anything in the house. She's active and ready to go as soon as I am, but laid back the rest of the time. However...if I leave toys on the ground, she spends the entire time throwing them at me to throw for her, walk or not. She's 8 now and she hasn't really changed much since she was about 8 months old

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Sounds just like my River who is 11.5 months now. Very very calm in the house, and supercharges once I open the door outside, ready for a game of fetch if she can convince me. :rolleyes:


Even in agility class she is very calm and not a ball of energy - but attentive to me.


Training has A LOT to do with it - but I also think some BCs are calmer then others.

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BCjetta, my collie does that too! The toss at me so I throw it to play catch. Her favourite thing to do this with is pinecones however, she likes to do it with the cow hoove too, even tho she usually just lays down to chew it afterwards. I found that sooo cute when she started.


EDIT: must be a canadian collie thing

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I've had both kinds of bc's and Mika may surprise you. My late Meg was the couch potato of the world - until she saw sheep when she turned into "super bc". She just never saw any reason to waste energy on balls, frisbee, walks, agility, etc. but would stay on sheep all day long given the chance.

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Oh what I meant about socializing her too much is that she doesn't react to other dog's agression. For example, our next door neighbour's dog will be in the backyard, will notice her, and begin growling. Mika will stick her nose under the wooden fence and whine and wag her tail wanting the dog to come over even tho the dog clearly doesn't want to. In the park, when dogs have snapped at her from her being too friendly, she doesn't back off and just carries as usual. Also, when I'll walk her around the block, there'll occasionally be a couple dogs significantly bigger then her and they will bark like mad at her and she just stands there, not barking back. My old dog, an english setter/mystery cross would not take any crap from other dogs and definately made it known she didn't like her behaviour. She seems to want to be good friends with every dog she meets. No reaction at all to other dogs agression, common or not in BC's?

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