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Shearing Alpacas?


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This isn't quite sheep related but does anyone have any experience shearing alpacas. The reason I ask is I got a phone call the other day from a person that wanted to know if I could shear her two alpacas. I told her the only experience I have is with shearing my own sheep. I woud assume they are either tied or put onto a shearing table, but it doesn't sound like this person has a table. I should have said no, but instead I said I can't promise anything, but I will give it a go once my cutters/combs come back from being sharpened.



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Samantha, when I had a llama in with my sheep, I shaved her and all I had to do was have some one hold her and was able to do it just fine. I used a sheep halter, and a handful of treats. She was a gaurdian llama, but relitivly tame, (once ya caught her) I just did her standing in a pen with the sheep, instead of taking her away, as that would have caused her distress. She was always alert, and talkative, but stood and let me get on with the job. Good luck.

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I have 2 that I shear when I do the sheep. Depending on how they react, and if they've been sheared before... I've alays done mine standing, and if I'm alone will take a short panel and kind of squeeze them up against a wall. Are they wanting the fiber especially, or just to get it off. If they are anal, it can be a PIA.

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I started with hair sheep, and had one guard llama, no shears.

So once a year I would halter up Al and use my haircutting sissors. He liked his hair cut. I'd leave the fiber laying around and it provided a source of entertainment for all the dogs. They knew it was Al's but not sure it couldn't

"get um".

He always seemed to know I was making him feel better.

I miss my llama

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Thanks for the input. I think I will ask the person to halter and tie the two, and treats sound like a good idea to keep their minds occupied. The fiber isn't wanted, so if its clean enough I might take some as I've never worked with alpaca on the wheel.



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