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Question about Evo.

Tommy Coyote

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I have been feeding my dogs Evo and raw - about half and half.


Evo has a very high protein content - I think its about 40%. Its from meat. Is that OK?


I remember something about an argument a few years ago that we feed our dogs too much protein. The said that working dogs need carbohydrate for calories - not high protein.


Anybody know anything about this?

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Short answer: Higher levels of protein should not hurt a healthy dog. Protein is not really energy, it is a source of building blocks for our bodies to repair damage sustained during physical activity.


For an informative but long answer read this article. http://www.purinaproclub.com/sportingdog/P...g%20feeding.htm


There are hundreds of studies and all are in agreement about the energy requirements of canine athletes based on what they do. Don't discount this article just because it is on the Purina web page.

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"" Protein is not really energy, it is a source of building blocks for our bodies ""


I have to disagree a bit. Protein (and also fat) can be converted into energy when the body needs to do so, when simple carbohydrates are not available in high enough amounts. Building blocks, yes, but energy availability also.

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"" Protein is not really energy, it is a source of building blocks for our bodies ""


I have to disagree a bit. Protein (and also fat) can be converted into energy when the body needs to do so, when simple carbohydrates are not available in high enough amounts. Building blocks, yes, but energy availability also.


Yes, but the body preferentially uses fat and carbs first. Extra protein in the diet is generally wasted by a dog who is getting enough food.

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I know a lot of people like to mix their dog kibble with water (because kibble is too dry and taxes on the kidneys because dogs/cats won't 'know' to drink enough water).


Since straight raw meat is lower in protein percentage-wise, I wonder if you could decrease the amount of Evo kibble (well, I'm assuming that you mean the kibble) and mix water in place of it so the % protein you're feeding is lower?


That being said, I feed mostly raw and on occasion will feed Evo/taste of the wild for a meal or two. I probably feed less than the 'recommended' amount on the package (I don't really look at it) but I make up for it by feeding a larger raw meal following it. I don't worry so much about the kibble being "too high" in protein--but the water thing is definitely something to keep in mind.


I have been feeding my dogs Evo and raw - about half and half.


Evo has a very high protein content - I think its about 40%. Its from meat. Is that OK?


I remember something about an argument a few years ago that we feed our dogs too much protein. The said that working dogs need carbohydrate for calories - not high protein.


Anybody know anything about this?

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Yes, but the body preferentially uses fat and carbs first. Extra protein in the diet is generally wasted by a dog who is getting enough food.

This is true but according to the link I posted above the dog's body will utilize the extra protein when the extra fat and carbs aren't available. Actually, it isn't the fat, carbs or protein itself. It's a chemical (?) that is in all three that is used. (I can't think of the name of it right now but it's in the link.)


JJ used to have bad skin and was on allergy meds for a long time. I felt so bad for him. The allergy meds made him tired and he still suffered from the itchies. It took me about a year to figure out the right diet for him (EVO RF with a special 'vitamin gravy' I make up) but with a high protein/high omega 3 diet along with certain veggies in the 'vitamin gravy', he is now off his meds. He also has his energy back and a beautiful coat.


With that said, I'm not saying other dog food is bad. I'm just saying EVO has helped JJ and the link I provided helped me understand (maybe) why it did even tho I had come up with the diet before finding the info.

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