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Shiner played with a toy!

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I don't know if I've mentioned this before or not, but I've had Shiner for over a year now and he has never shown any interest in toys. In fact, he acts like he thinks he's been bad if I bring out a ball or something similar, slinking around and turning his head from it. I've tried tennis balls, frisbees, kong balls, squeaky balls, inside, outside, alone and with other dogs...


Anyhow, I leave them out all the time, and twice this week I've caught him picking up the kong ball and running around with it. Today I had him inside alone and I threw it a couple of times and he brought it back, wiggling all over and very happy with himself...before he would never even pick it up. Then I threw it in the air and he caught it three times in a row. We had done catch before with treats, but I was very surprised he caught the ball...buuuttt...then on the fourth try it hit him in the face accidentally and he shut down completely, layed on the floor like he had been beaten.


I guess I did too much too fast? I would really like to continue his sudden interest in toys, it isn't a huge deal, but it would give us another outlet for his energy. Any suggestions?

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The absolute most important principle for building toy drive is keep it SHORT. For a dog like Shiner, short probably means about 5 seconds. One throw. Make a big huge deal and stop playing. (Yes, it is HARD, but necessary!) Normally, I would also put the toy away, but if Shiner seems to be afraid of them maybe it is best to leave them out so that he continues to learn that they are just objects in his environment that are not scary. Very gradually build up the time you play with him and always stop while he's still wanting more.


Second, at this point, always throw the toy away from him. This will incite his prey/chase drive. As you've found, throwing the toy at him (to catch) is okay to do for a dog who is already high drive but can be confusing or discouraging for a lower drive dog. If you want him to catch it, throw it up in the air, but still away from him, so he has to chase it, even a short distance.

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For a dog we have that was't interested in toys at all, I started with me playing with a toy, I used an old sock first with a knot in the middle, as soon as he showed interested the toy went on top of the fridge. After several days of that I would let him play with the toy with me but for very short periods of time so that we always ended with him wanting more. Then I very gradually stretched out the amount of time. Eventually he got to the point where he would initiate play with other toys around the house.


The first step might be too much for Shiner since he is associating toys with being in trouble, but I would definately always end the game with him wanting more. You also might look at using something soft, like a braided section of fleece or braided/knotted old t-shirt. This way if he does drop it, their won't be a loud noise from the toy that might startle him, and incase he does come in contact with it, it would be very soft. You can also try sitting on the floor with him and dragging it around, shaking it to make it wiggle. My guys all love this game.

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My little Gus is completely the opposite. He will play fetch with a ball or a frisbee all day. The past week or so, he has become very toy aggressive towards other dogs. He doesn't care if people take the toys away, but if another dog gets too close, he goes after them and it doesn't seem to bother him how much bigger than him they are. He has went after a GSD, pitt bull, and it is somewhat embarrasing as well as dangerous.


I wish I could take some of Gus' love for toys and give it to Shiner.

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I know what you mean about shutting down. Aveda ONLY likes soft toys/ropes, no balls or frisbees. She makes the saddest expression when they hit her in the face. :rolleyes:


Shiner likes soft toys and ropes for chewing on, but won't tug or anything like that. If I hold out a rope toy he turns away from it too just like with the frisbee. The other problem is he tears apart and ingests things, so I can't have those around too much. He's a funny guy, I wish I knew his story, where he came from, what the first year of his life was like...

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I built drive in my dogs by holding them and then rolling a ball away from them and then letting them go telling them to get it. You wont have to deal with any accidental hitting, and it wont be coming towards him, he will have to get it. I know they make kong squeaky balls, my BC is crazy about them, she loves balls and anything that squeaks, they are her ultimate toy lol. I would say get something he is interested in and use that. I am no expert, but if I had the same issue I would do something along those lines. I play those kind of rolling games with my dogs a few times a week, Mostly to built drive for start lines (I do it a bit differently then I described), but i'm sure if you keep it short and fun it has the potential of working. I wish you the best of luck! getting over fear's is never easy, but it seems like he is on his way!



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Yep...I often wonder that about Kip too----what the beginning of his story was like, what got him in the dog pokey with all his oddities and yet, clearly, someone had taken the time to teach him some commands and tricks.


Does Shiner still hang out in the clothes dryer? :D (Do I remember that right? Was there not a picture of him poking his face out of the tumble dryer? Or is my mind not good tonight? :rolleyes: )

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Your brain works, that was him in the dryer. He hasn't done it since that day, but he likes tight places. What I know of Shiner is similar to Kip...in the pokey (for 3 weeks) and not without issues, but yet he had basic training for commands like sit and that stuff...and he's missing a tooth.


And thanks again to everyone, I'm gonna try rolling the ball too.

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