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Funniest "Naughty" Thing Your Dog Has Done


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After the Labs I figured that Alex really couldn't surprise me all that much. The boys had eaten dentures, a bed(Alex did help with this), remotes, chewed up an antique bench. You get the picture. Not my girl. She expressed no interest in any of these objects. Then we took our first walk in the woods and found poop. I was not overly impressed, but apparently there is something very exotic about deer poop. The only thing that tops it is cat poop. We have nipped this in the bud, the word bath usually overrules any urges to roll in poop these days.

Then she decided to wow us with her thirst for higher learning. I actually watched her peruse the bookcase, pick a book out, and proceed to chew it. She was corrected, but once I was asleep she would select a tome and proceed to devour it.

One day apparently bored with all this higher learning she decided to join a sorority. We came home from work to toilet paper everywhere. Coming out of the bathroom was my little angel toilet paper in mouth unrolling to her hearts content.



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We have pretty much gotten past the toilet paper unrolling, now he has moved on to bath soap! When Murphy goes into the bathroom with me he feels it's his job to lick dry the bathtub. Great, it keeps him busy ... except now I have to make sure he doesn't eat the bar of soap. Twice now I have discovered the soap missing. I figure it helps everything else slide out nicely. :rolleyes:

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Back in his wild-child days, Dean used to go to the sink and systematically throw all of the flatware he could grab out of it and onto the floor. Just the flatware and serving utensils, never the plates or cups!


The funniest part was that if you happened upon him in action, he looked at you with the happiest face! His expression read, "Look what I found! This is so cool!" Silly boy!


I learned to load flatware and such right into the dishwasher and the phase passed on it's own.

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I would frequently find a puppy covered in shredded TP or newspaper (with that euphoric look on her face!), but the best was the time I was watching TV, minding my own business and I heard this pitiful little bark coming from the dining room. I get up to go see and there is this puppy standing in the middle of the dining room table wagging her tail with this expression like "OK, I got up, now can you get me down!". To this day I can not figure out how she got up there because all of the chairs were pushed in against the table!

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A few years ago my boyfriend was heading out of the house to go to the gym. It was early December and we had one of those big plastic jars of nuts from costco sitting on the counter. Boots loves nuts, so we always made sure the lid was on all the way but he had never messed w/ them on the counter before. Anyway, Paul drove to the end of the driveway, about 1/2 mile and realized he had forgotten his swim trunks in the dryer so headed back. He opened the door to find Boots laying on the couch w/ the jar of nuts between his front legs, the lid was on the floor in the kitchen. :rolleyes: We still wonder how he managed to get the lid off and carry the jar across the room onto the couch in less than 5 minutes w/ no spilled nuts to show for it... :D

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Not really naughty, but funny....I have a large sliding door on my shop and it has a gap at the bottom edge, I heat it with a wood stove and when it's really cold I have 4 or 5 old blankets that I place at the bottom of the door to keep the draft out. My last dog Roxie (the dog in my avatar) would wait until I was'nt looking and pull all the blankets away from the door and make a nice pallet out of them, lay on them and look up at me as if to say "Ahhhh, I'm so comfortable Dad" She'd always wait until I'd go into the house for a minute or was busy working on something to do it, and she could do it in a flash. when I'd return there she would be all laid up and loving it! I'd make her get up, put the blankets back where they were and as soon as I was'nt watching she'd do it again. She had a nice warm bed to lay in out there too, but I guess it just was'nt the same as the fun of making her own customized unit. LOL


And Ms Duke, little Kate also managed to get up on the table the other day, how she did it I have no idea...

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Some of you may recall me telling this story about my dear departed Minnie, but for the benefit of newer members I'll repeat, since I was just thinking about it yesterday and it gave me a chuckle.


Minnie used to go with me virtually everywhere, but the feed store was her favorite place to tag along, since she always got samples and treats. She was starting to get on in years by this time, and needed a boost in order to get into the cab of my truck. Well, I stopped by the feed store to pick up a bale of hay and since I was in kind of a hurry I left her in the cab of the truck with the windows rolled down about 1/4 of the way. I went in to pay, and when I came out to pull around to the hay barn there was no Minnie in the truck. Now this is a pretty busy parking lot, with alot of vehicle activity and I was running around in a blind panic calling her name and asking everyone within earshot if they had seen a little black and white spotted dog around.


I couldn't imagine that she had left of her own volition, so my first terrifying thought was that she had been stolen. It just didn't seem plausible that she had chosen to climb up and out of the partially closed window of a full sized pick-up, especially at her advanced age. Finally I asked the man that was giving out free samples of dog food and he told me he saw her, that she was in the store. He said she had walked in with a guy when he had opened the door so naturally he had assumed she belonged to him.


So I run back into the store and there's Minnie, just where I figured I'd find her...parked next to the bins on the bottom shelf of the bulk biscuit aisle-- helping herself. Bad girl Minnie!!

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Back in slightly-less-adjusted days, my separation-anxiety riddled Lu got left loose in the house by my BIL (THEIR house, not mine!). Lu managed to open their pantry & empty the lower shelf of all food-stuffs. She didn't eat a thing, but hid bags of nuts, etc all over the house! We found food behind the wood pile, under desks... even found a bag of chocolate (!) under a shelf in their bathroom when they moved two years later! She's better adjusted now, but Lu is still always in a crate when I'm not home.


It must have been the first spring I had Nick, so I'd only been working him for two months or so (he was not quite 3 at this point). We were shearing sheep in the shed, and to exhaust them, I'd just send the sheep past the pen and out an open door. At one point, I'd just tipped a large & grumpy ewe and was flattened by a dozen newly-shorn ewes. After I was through cursing, I looked up to see a very happy brown dog looking at me like, "I found the loose sheep! I brought them back!... Um, oops?"

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