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Quirky things your border collies do....?

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These are too funny. I don't think my stories can't compete but I'll share anyways.


Well the first one is actually about my cat...simply...she chases her tail...she's 5 years old and still does this. I get a kick out of it each time..


My pups all have a different routine when it comes to the coffee grinder.

Masi gets excited and jumps on my back/butt (she's short)

Gunnar barks (mostly at the cat)

Rhea looks for the kitty and stares (apparently she's at fault for the noise).


Gunnar does this really annoying thing where he'll bite at trees. When he was younger, he saw a squirrel go up a tree...he immediately thought if he bit the tree, the squirrel would come down...he hasn't stopped since...even with a lot of "GUNNAR STOP CHEWING ON THE TREES!!!".


When Gunnar isn't completely dry, say from the lake, he'll turn on his back on the carpet and scratch his back for like 15 mins. I guess that does the trick. Rhea does the same thing...but on the dog beds.


They're special. :rolleyes:

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Jack has this cute habit of going up to the couch, chair or bed and resting his chin on it. He'll just stand there with his chin resting, like he's thinking if he wants to go to the effort to jump up or not. Some nights I swear it takes him several minutes to get in bed. You know, while he contemplates. :rolleyes: (and no, this is not a physical thing, he is more than able to jump up easily)


This isn't really quirky, but I also like how Jack has a sense of routine. Every morning, we get up and go outside and when we come back in the house, I always go right to the "cat room" (where our cats sleep overnight) and open the door to let them out. Heaven forbid I get sidetracked and don't go immediately to let them out, Jack will stand outside their door looking at me like "hey, didn't you forget something?".

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These stories are so cute! One story mentioned of Dean Dog liking to jump into the bath tub reminded me of my favorite of Rush's quirks. Or at least I think its a quirk. When its bath time she likes to play in the water, and while I am setting out towels on the floor when the bath is over I give her a few minutes just to play. We have a slope to our bathtub, that kind of looks like the slope of my AF. Rush will back-up into a 2o2o on the wall and bark at the water until I release her. Its weird, but I think its cute :rolleyes:.


Rush also is always trying to carry two balls at one time. She thinks every new time she tries something has changed and she can do it. Its cute though.

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She has from the day we got her, always layed down to eat her dinner as well which is rather quirky.


Not a quirk, but I wanted to say that I had a male GSD that ALWAYS layed down to eat. I kept two of his male offspring from different bitches...both layed down to eat. Interestingly, none of his daughters layed down to eat. So I believe that the laying down while eating may be genetic.

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Mr. Darcy has to check in his favorite toy (a green Cuz - he only plays with the green ones?!?) with me every night. If I'm already in bed, he'll nudge it ever so gently between my shoulder and head and give me this, "Mommy - you look after it for me" look. I thought I was just imagining the sentiment the first time, but 2 years later, I do believe it's an official quirk!


He also has to put it in whatever bowl he's eating from. Little goofball!

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