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is he `rough coat?

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I post this pic in the photo gallery but I was wondering if some of you more experienced BC people could tell me what you think. Our trainer seemed to think that Archer was going to be what she referred to as a rough coat...or short haired BC. From this pic at 5.5 months, what do you think? Doesn't matter to me one way or the other, just curious. I think he's beautiful, but then I could be biased just a bit. :rolleyes:



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and btw...is that what "rough coat" means? shorter haired?


Also...how do you know if their ears will go up or not? Sometimes he puts them right up and others not at all...and the right one seems to go straight up more often than the left but occaisionally he'll get both up. Kodi's ears stayed...uhhmm... "floppy" is the only way to describe them...kinda like Archers in the pic above...and never did go up at any time so I'm kind of curious as to how Arhcers may turn out. Here is a pic of him running and you can see the ears are up...well mostly anyway.



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I agree Wendy. Archer does look like a rough coat to me, in the early stages :D

Skye looked much like that at his age -- even more smooth-coated when she was a younger pup -- and definitely grew into her coat, not to mention our furniture, floors, clothes.............


P.S. Hey RDM, great new photos at your sig.


ETA (I've got the knack of it now!)

The ear thing is a cr*p shoot, I think. Skye's ears started one prick, one down and morphed into two prick. So much so that so-called friends used to say they could see her ears coming first over the tops of hills w-a-y before they could see the rest of her :rolleyes: Then again, now she has about 102 ear positions, depending on the situation; i.e. prospects = both prick, listening to me when I'm behind her = one rotated backwards, getting a massage = donkey-ears, etc.

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Archer looks a rough coat--but that means longer hair. The shorter hair version is called a smooth coat, like Sandra's Kyla or Jan's (ShoresDog) Juno puppy. As to whether he'll have prick ears--judging from the first photo, I'd say no. Taz looks like he has prick ears often when he runs, but I think the wind acts as an aerodynamic force unto itself. :rolleyes: If his ears prick when he's just standing around, though, well then he may wind up with them after all. Around five months is when they usually start going all up and down wonky before they decide what they're going to do for real. I love that stage!


ETA: I agree with Ailsa about the cool new sig photos!

ETA2: I see Taz looks like he has sort of prick ears in my sig pic, but normally his ears are airplane and much floppier!

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I was just about to say just what Bo Peep said. He looks just like my Celt in terms of coat, what I (and others) would call a medium coat (just another type of rough coat).


I love a medium - not too much hair but enough, easy maintenance, and fun to comb out if you like that sort of activity.


Very handsome!

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Rough and smooth coats are convenient designations, but you will find rough coats with very little coat (sometimes called medium), like my Kat, and smooth coats with super short, tight coats like, say, a pointer, to much thicker coats, though still smooth. Like everything else with border collies, there are the two extremes, with everything else in between when it comes to coat length.


Archer's ears look like they are going to be airplanes to me.



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So he IS a rough coat of sorts...


Attached is a picture from our sledding/ball throw adventure showing Archer's no nonsense look when it comes to ball throwing!


Scott (Wendy's SO).


Welcome Scott, Wendy's SO!

Archer is gorgeous AND intense!


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Beautiful dog.


Good discussion on rough vs smooth coats here:



That was very informative. Thanks. As for me, personally. I love to pet long hair, but I HATE the clean up. The only mat's I get are little ones around the ears and that's from them horsing around.

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