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New Recall Method...

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Too funny...

When we let Mya out in morning or before bed she immediately bolts down into the field and barks at the imaginary bears, deer, cougars, ghosts or what have you. Trying to call her back while she is doing this is almost impossible, she's just so focused. Any other time she comes and heels wonderfully.


Well... I have outsmarted her.


She just finished pulling the insides out of her favorite (this week) squeaky toy, this one was beyond my sewing abilities so I pulled the squeaky out. "I wonder"

So the past few days when she goes for her property patrol I call her once as usual, then if she doesn't come I give the old squeaky a couple of squeezes while saying "Mya Come" and voala! She can hear that thing a quarter mile away! and immediately turns on her heels and breaks the sound barrier back to my feet where I praise her saying "good come girl"

Who'd have thunk it.


Ahh the things we learn :rolleyes:


Craig & Mya

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Our BC does a "property patrol" also. He has a morning routine that involves sniffing to see who has visited overnight, getting all the squirrels up the trees, chasing the neighbor's cat home, and running the property line (all 5 acres) to make sure everything is in place and secure. He does all this at lightning speed. Then he returns home for his first treat of the day -- a milkbone. He does respond well to the sound of a whistle, which we keep hanging on the doorknob.

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:rolleyes: mine's a "squeak freak" too and that's what I use when she is focused on other things. For us the focus is the chipmunks...the dogs are obsessed with them (sort of like being obsessed with the gopher in Caddyshack.) And I swear I can see those chipmunks laughing as they outsmart those dogs! :D
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oh yes, the chipmunks....


We have one who sits in the drainage pipe (we have an adobe house) and looks down on the dog and squeaks.


It drives her MAD


Here she is, after 30 mins of staring at the chipmunk...... :rolleyes: you can just see the chipmunk's head - I tried to point it out with an arrow!


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I just drive away in my truck...slowly so she can catch up...calling her name. She usually does. My other dog I keep losing, but we live in a small town.

So someone always returns him.


I didn't even name "Zoran" till I had to so the neighbors would get off my back.

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I just drive away in my truck...slowly so she can catch up...calling her name. She usually does. My other dog I keep losing, but we live in a small town.

So someone always returns him.


I didn't even name "Zoran" till I had to so the neighbors would get off my back.


This has got to be a troll.

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I think its clear most of you folks live in the city and aren't used to really training dogs to do work.

You think these sissified methods of sparkling toys and polite little games do for you what running behind a truck in the desert will do.

It won't. You don't have sheep, you don't have cattle. You have cats and an attitude. I can help with both.






PS: I don't know what you mean by troll but I know it isn't nice. Shame on you.

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Dear Ruby,

Might I first direct you to the "READ THIS FIRST" at the top of the General section. It may give you a much better (more helpful) insight into the mindset, ideals and values of the majority of folks you are addressing here. Certinly, there are many BC pet and sport people here, as well as working dog folks, and some who even do all three. Alot, including myself have farms and ranches, livestock, and employ our dogs for work regularly if not daily. Also there are a great many Successful and Competitive Open Handlers and Trainers here on these boards as well. Before you start berating folks, it might do you some good to go into the archives and do a little reading if you are courious as to the folks you are addressing here so disrespectfully. Shame on you, for reading a few posts and making unfounded asumptions about a community you so obviously know nothing about.

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I used to have a dog that loved to work hogs, he thought they were his personal squeak toys. He would take on anything it didn't matter how tough. He was afraid of a squeak toy. If you picked up a toy he thought MIGHT squeak he would head for the back bedroom. He only played with tennis balls, they don't squeak.

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