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Loki turned on me today

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Loki was described to me by BCRO as a puppy who was just deperate for interaction and I think that's a very apt description. You could not meet a more affectionate, wiggle butt of a pup.

His deafness is a non issue and he assisted at a car wreck last week. The injured young girl could not stop hugging him and even though he had a rough time with all the traffic and flashing red lights, I was so proud of him.

He and Tex both do that passive herding thingy - leaning on my legs all the time in case I need to be herded if I move. Today I was sitting down reading and I idlely reached over with my bare foot to rub his belly. He turned on me, snarling but he lost his nerve to bite. He sure wanted to.

I was shocked, he's never shown any aggression. I tried again and again later and had the same result. Poor little guy fears feet and I just have to lift the newspaper and he's out of the room. Looks like he's been manhandled a bit.

It's nothing time and loving on won't cure.

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Its difficult for me not to coddle (sp) Riven when she's scared. I just try to think to myself, cuddling and feeling sorry for her arent helping her to over come it...thats a human issue, and soothing her is for me not her. I hate that, you just wanna throw your arms around them and love it out of them. I know you'll be able to calm him down. Im glad thats the only bad thing since you've gotten him. I think its awesome that he let that girl love on him, it probably helped more than you'll know. Who knows, maybe she will open her heart to a disabled dog now? Good luck

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I'll bet he didn't lose his nerve to bite. I'll bet he realized that, scared as he was, he knew he didn't want to bite you.

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Maybe he has been stepped on? I swear these dogs never forget! Or maybe he doesn't like toe jam? :rolleyes: *oh goodness I slay me lol*


Seriously tho it maybe he thinks he is a cat? Non of my male cats liked being touched on, near, or around the undeside of them. I always thought it was a left over wild instinct.

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Chances are he's going to get stepped on again. Those two are always strapped to my knees.

I agree he probably didn't want to bite, just unsure.

Watching a Bdog and a Ddog playing is alot of fun. Tex tries to get Loki to play by barking at the sleeping pup. No reaction. He tries to playbow but he get mixed up and barks and bows at the vacuum cleaner or chair or fridge near where Loki is sleeping.

Loki tries to playbow at Tex. No reaction. He brings toys over and dangles them at Tex. No reaction. Finally he just loses his cool and leaps on the unsuspecting Tex. Major wrassling going on around here these days.

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Many Border Collies, Meg included, use the snarl and fake bite when they feel threatened or cornered. Most often, it's all bluff and posturing, like a mother will do to a bratty pup. I don't think Meg has been abused (she's a shelter dog, but she is very concerned with protocol and good manners. She will let any dog or person know when she doesn't like their behavior. It's usually because they are too rough or pushy.

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I wish i could but the city i live in has a 3 dog per household rule! :rolleyes: I need to hit the lotto so i can buy my BC farm! Another Sydney lol! I love her!! Although with the ruckus my Sydney is making she'd need to be deaf! 2 BC's, 1 soccer ball, inside = a deaf Foos! LMAO how is that for timing Zag just popped it! :eek:

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Tex tries to get Loki to play by barking at the sleeping pup. No reaction. He tries to playbow but he get mixed up and barks and bows at the vacuum cleaner or chair or fridge near where Loki is sleeping.

Loki tries to playbow at Tex. No reaction. He brings toys over and dangles them at Tex. No reaction. Finally he just loses his cool and leaps on the unsuspecting Tex.



How cute!!


Allie + Tess & Kipp


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