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Oh gosh yes, this is nothing :rolleyes:


I have one that bites the trees, and if she can she hangs from limbs, thinking I don't know what....


There's nothing funnier imo than watching them circle the tree like sharks only to see the varmit leap to another and they all crash into each other to get to the new tree! Needless to say, I don't have many squirrels n the yard, they've learned to stay outside the fence areas.


Though to one of them there is nothing better than lizards and frogs to watch and torment.



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Just be careful how much you let them chase or follow any other animals. If a squirrel jumps to another tree or on the road and they don't pay attention it could lead to trouble. I let Black Jack stalk the rabbits around the house but if he starts chasing them or not listening I stop him from doing it for a while. I don't want him following a rabbit into the street one day.

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We have a bunch of pines with odd rings - just at Fergie jump height. Squirrel goes up, Fergie goes after, then sort of jumps sideways and bites sideways at the bark. Creates about a foot high ring of flat bark instead of the crumply stuff everywhere else.


And she get the resin in the thick fur under her neck.


And we don't worry about her running out into the street. Even if she can see the squirrel change trees, she sticks (oops, unintentional pun)with the first one.


BTW, last year, we were under a neighbor's huge persimmon tree - with fruit the size of tiny pumpkins - so Fergie could feast. A squirrel tried to jump from a pine into "our" tree to snack. He missed and fell - right at our feet. We were all stunned. He got up, sort of shook himself, and took off. Ferg was so startled that she didn't even move. Those critters are not all as nimble as advertised.

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Just be careful how much you let them chase or follow any other animals. If a squirrel jumps to another tree or on the road and they don't pay attention it could lead to trouble. I let Black Jack stalk the rabbits around the house but if he starts chasing them or not listening I stop him from doing it for a while. I don't want him following a rabbit into the street one day.


Oh I don't. I don't like this OCD, he's choked on bark before. Which is why I said I don't encourage it and that I try to stop it. He doesn't ever get to chase wild animals just for that reason. We live in a suburb with jack ass, oblivious, can't drive my huge SUV, women (now mind you, I'm not knocking all women..hell I am one too...I just know how to drive) that would easily run them over without taking their hand off their cell phone. Sorry for the minirant.



Same thing has happened to us before, it was hilarious.

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