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Digestive problems/discomfort-Health Issue #2.


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This is a problem with Curly again. His problems start like this: licking his hind, scooting, then he's straining to go, then he'll go and it's normal but then loose at the end, sometimes covered in mucous and he eats it. Never wants to eat it when he's normal just when he's 'sick'. Leads me to think, when he gets an episode there is a difference in his well poo and sick poo-the latter being undigested fully or lacking...The itching is so so bad for him, I have to give him Benadryl, over and over. A prior vet gave dx'd colitis, 5 years ago, put him on Hills W/D and gave him sulphasalazine. It cleared up for maybe 6-8 months but for 5 years now, this is the whole pattern.


Vet #2 had no dx said it could be food allergies and to put him on Duck and potato, give him sweet potato for the straining, and wait and see...until I had to ask for a scrip for sulfasalazine, which this practice doesn't even use to treat colitis (if it is colitis). But I had to call the shots. Ok this last visit, Curlys butt was raw from scooting on the pavement. He's loosing his mind. Vet #3 said perhaps it's just his butt hairs making it ichty so gave him a 'sanitary cut'. So last night again, he's loosing his mind with itchiness, scooting more than walking. So...now what. He needs help. Again, I don't know what to do and the vet is just all wait and see. This has been happening for 5 years!


I LOVE vets. I am not bashing any of them please understand. I am just so frustrated with both these issues (prior post) b/c Curly's not well. He seems so stressed out. I"m not into letting things just 'go' when he's only 7 or 8.


ok-more advice on this if anyone has a moment or experience.




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Julie, are you working towards your DVM :rolleyes:


I would add that if you scope do biopsies.


If you do a feeding trial you can't feed any treats or even give them flavored meds like HW pills. You can try a hydrolyzed (hypoallergenic) diet.


What dose of Benadryl? Most people give so little that it does not make a difference.

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Annie had similar symptoms. In her case, the vet did not find anything specific, but conjectured that she was just one of those dogs who simply has a very delicate digestive system. Annie was removed from all normal foods (including treats), and is on an exclusive diet of Royal Canin Intestinal HE (combination of dry and moist), and special dog biscuits (also Royal Canin); on rare occasion, she can have cooked chicken or steak, but only mixed with the HE dry. The HE and the biscuits are by prescription only, and are not cheap; but we have not had a recurrence since the diet change.


Please note that this is my experience, and does not necessarily mean that the same condition exists for your dog.

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Bustopher I have also read the Royal Canin is great for this kind of situation. As far as the cost, well, gotta do whatcha gotta do. We spend a lot as it is, and plus the vet bills so...what's a few more coins? I am going to suggest this, not just b/c you said it but it seems like a good place to begin. No I just have to muster up the *guts* to explain that I'd like this issue dealt with rather than waiting.


I wish they would've scoped him while he was sedated b/c it always takes the poor guy 2 days to recover from Domitor/Torb and the anti-sed. Poor buddy.



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Guest SweetJordan

Did he ever have a colonoscopy?

And some worms such as whipworms are very hard to detect. Did the vet try a dewormer anyway such as drontal plus? Some do this as they are pretty safe and w/o any real side effects.

You mentioned mucus in his stool. Have you ever seen blood? Does he ever vomit? What about diarrhea? Did the vet(any of them) do a CBC? Have you noticed that he can tolerate certain foods, but others bother him? In other words has the change in diet helped at all even a little bit?

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No Curly has never had a colonoscopy. We've never discussed drontal plus altho they said they tested him for worms. No blood, not vomit, no dia, just straining, then if and when he goes the end of the BM is loose (sorry but like soft serve as the vet described) sometimes with muscous. I haven't been able to isolate a trigger food b/c just when we think it's over, b/c of Prozyme or Missing Link or sweet potato or yogurt or W/D or Instinct or the many other things I have tired it occurs which leads me to think, it's not food. That's where I get stuck is where to begin towth this diagnostically.


So far I am going to mention (gathered from you guys and a book):

I want a CBC

I want a serum folate test


Digestive Enzyme test

ask about the Royal Canin


accupunture for seizures

valium to control them if they get bad


anything I am missing feel free to add...


Where this gets stunning to me, and why I am a bit crazed is this has happened since the day he came from the rescue 5 years now. Of course he is not in a major crisis...just discomfort. But I had a dog, Leroy, die a horrid death b/c I wasn't proactive enough and didn't want to be a pain to the vet. So...I've got to take some kind of course b/c of the duration of these intermitant issues.


You all are so great.



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Poor guy. Like SweetJordan said: whipworms, in particular, are hard to detect; even though he was tested for worms, the fecal floats are not always 100%. With the severity of his symptoms, it might be worth TREATING him as if he had worms just to see if it makes any difference. Is he on Heartgard or Interceptor, or any other monthly dewormer?


Mucous in the stool, however, sounds like IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), which is chronic...which would explain why he has had it for five years. You said that when your previous vet gave a trial of sulfasalazine, it *did* clear the problem up for 6-8 months, but then relapsed. As far as I understand, if there is a true diagnosis of IBD, maintenance therapy (i.e., medication plus hypoallergenic diets) needs to be given for the duration of the dog's life; is it possible to restart treatment, or consider other medications with less side effect risks?


As a quick fix for the itching: perhaps try some human Calamine lotion on the affected area. It is a powerful, over-the-counter anti-itch medication with little power to harm. You would just have to find a way to prevent your boy from licking it off until it is absorbed and starts to do its job--maybe doggie diapers?

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accupunture for seizures

valium to control them if they get bad


Did I miss something about this (maybe in another thread)? Is he seizing? If so, is there a connection between seizures and his tummy troubles? Probably a stupid question but I don't have much familiarity with epilepsy so I figure I'll throw it out there. On the surface, it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility to me that bad seizures could disrupt the body's functions in multiple ways.


ETA: Of course now that I've posted this, I found your tremors thread...

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Let's see...well the tremors haven't occured again but the vet mentioned other possiblilities in a call yesterday. He said maybe toxoplasmosis, maybe distemper if he had it as a puppy, or maybe cerebellar corticle abiotrophy which BC are amoung the breeds to get this. So a guess a spinal tap is the next thing.


About his other problem, we mentioned whipworms and he said we could deworm but whipworms are uncommon in MD. He hasn't said much either way regarding IBS or colitis or even allergies. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and bring all these suggestions forward.


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Julie, are you working towards your DVM :rolleyes:


I would add that if you scope do biopsies.


If you do a feeding trial you can't feed any treats or even give them flavored meds like HW pills. You can try a hydrolyzed (hypoallergenic) diet.


What dose of Benadryl? Most people give so little that it does not make a difference.


Oh the Benadryl dose is .25mg per pound-he's getting 3 .75 even tho he is 63lbs.

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