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Neem Oil


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A friend of mine at work and I were talking about her poor little boxer's itching problems lately and she says that she has been putting neem oil on her itchy spots and it's working wonders.


I've never heard of neem oil but she swears it seems to be great for everything. She also said that she put it on a pimple (on herself) and it was gone overnight.


Does anyone here know anything about using it?




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neem oil


Neem is a tree that grows in India and is used in a lot of herbal (Ayurvedic) remedies. The leaf (and seeds?) are supposed to have insecticidal, miticide and fungicide properties, among other things.


...she swears it seems to be great for everything.

It does seem to be used for a lot of skin complaints. As with all "natural" remedies, use your own discretion.

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Neem oil is one of the nastiest smelling things ever - as bad, maybe worse than anal gland junk. It's worked for me, personally, on a couple scratches that got infected.


I really don't know how you'd be able to stand being in the same house with a dog that had enough neem oil on it to treat mange. And it's not inexpensive.



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Yeah, I've heard it has a nasty smell! I was thinking of using it on the small spots that appear on young dogs when demodex is just starting. The one I was thinking of was a foster that just had a small spot (size of a green pea) under each eye. If I could nip it in the bud that early it would be better than long term ivermectin treatment.



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