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EKKK! We have worms!

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Poor Poco. Chris was picking up his poo yesterday when he noticed little things that look like rice. He thought they were maggots. We tripple bagged the poo and went to the E-vet. Poor little Poco has a tape worm. It explains why he is so skinny. We started him on his meds last night, he had a pill and the first of three powdered doses of de-wormer. Ever since he ate his dinner he will not even take a treat! Poor dear, you can see it in his face he feels aweful. We put some pumpkin in his dish to hide the powder. If he doesn't eat tonight, I am going to have to take him back in. Does anyone have any tricks of getting a pup to eat while on de-wormer?

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Baby food, chopped boiled chicken, scrambled eggs, boiled hamburger, or cottage cheese - any of these mixed with plain boiled white rice if he will take it (and assuming you do grains). You can sprinkle Parmesean cheese over it to really jazz it up. Don't worry about kibble for now - you just need to get the wormer in him (I'm assuming it's Panacur granules?).


Whatever you do, however, make sure you add the goodies before hand. Don't put the food down, then add stuff after he's rejected it. If he turns up his nose, take it up and wait a couple hours, then try again.

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We are doing the Panacur granules. I am going to have to make him something really yummy tonight, poor little guy. I will most likely leave the pumpkin out I do not want him to feel so full. I am hoping that the pumpkin is why he hasn't been temptedby treats after last nights dinner.

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No worries. We are in a flea free area, and the vet checked him out last night. Poco was a stray so the vet thinks he contracted the worm by eating some kind of yummy rodent. Chris's boss took pitty upon our poor dog and is letting him go home early to make sure Poco is doing alright. I wish I could tell him that he will be better soon.

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