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Well my dreams of a BC anytime soon have disapeared...

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Well, I had planed on getting a BC next fall, a pup, that I would train, and do agility with.


Well, that got changed a little bit, because I ended up saving this little/big gal...


Yup, that's right. A German Shepherd Dog. 10 months old, pure bred... Showing some good bits that will be good on the agility feild, I think...


Her name is Bella, and I got her from a friend of mine who couldn't keep her inside, so she was out in the cold... ANd it's cold here.


So, this baby is now living in our house, and I plan on doing agility with her...


Guess my BC will have to wait until I have my own house.


Here are a few other pics.



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Congratulations on the new addition!


I guess I've got no reason to stick around anymore...

You can still stick around! Working Border Collies can always use more supporters! :D There is always more you can learn or ways you can help out even if you don't have a BC.....yet. :rolleyes:

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Congrats on the new puppy and Im proud of you for adopting that little cutie! A Border will come and Im sure the right one is around the corner for you. We have our adopted dog too and we love her to death - wouldnt trade her for the world. Again, contrats!

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Thanks everyone.


And like it was said, she found me. She may not have been the right size, breed, or gender of what I wanted, but that just shows how much of a little "something" there is between us, because I changed my wants for her.


Bella has shown me these last two days just how much of a "little something" we've got, and for that, I love her to bits... even though she isn't a BC.

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:rolleyes: Congrats on Bella. She's a beauty. We have 1 German Shepard and 2 BC's. I had never owned a GS before and they can be wonderful dogs. Like somebody said, sometimes the dog finds you :D He is an awesome watch dog. My husband travels a lot for work and Murphy thinks he is man of the house when 'left in charge.' I would get another GS in a heartbeat. He has a STRONG herding instinct. He tries to herd me around the house if he wants me in another room.






















Well, I had planed on getting a BC next fall, a pup, that I would train, and do agility with.


Well, that got changed a little bit, because I ended up saving this little/big gal...


Yup, that's right. A German Shepherd Dog. 10 months old, pure bred... Showing some good bits that will be good on the agility feild, I think...


Her name is Bella, and I got her from a friend of mine who couldn't keep her inside, so she was out in the cold... ANd it's cold here.


So, this baby is now living in our house, and I plan on doing agility with her...


Guess my BC will have to wait until I have my own house.


Here are a few other pics.



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Sometimes the dog does find you. I went to the pound once and the dog chose me. A little poodle mutt- foo foo dog named "Jonathan" He didn't do agility or even obedience. But he was a great pet and the kids loved him. My ex-hubby saw how the dog and I interacted and said "Go on and get him, he's already picked you out". Don't leave the boards. It will be interesting watching Bella grow up and seeing her accomplishments.

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Bella has the same look as my Lu, whose only obivous breed is GSD (although she's most certainly a mix).


Well, let's see... German SHEPHERD. Shepherd = sheep... and sheep always lead to a BC, so maybe she's just a step on the path.


Stick around and post lots of pics. GSD will always make me swoon (despite the fact that I've never had a PB. Lots of shepherd mixes, though).

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If I was going to pick a breed other than Border Collies to own it would be a GSD. I was raised up with them. In my mind, the ultimate dog combination would be a GSD and a Border Collie. Many Border Collies if you can put up with them. Both can be a lot of fun but the German Shepherds are better watch dogs. My only recommendation and I think you are headed that way is lots of obedience. My other recommendation is the Furminator. You will need it.

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Yup, we'll be doing obedience, and agility... This winter though we will start contact work, and "go!" along with basic obedence here at home...


Thanks everyone..


I'll be sure to stick around and post pictures when I remember!

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