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Dale had his first birthday this month. He goes to clicker class and a training club. He's in the advanced class in both and recalls perfectly in class and he's fine off lead, coming back sitting etc.

The trouble comes when I want to go home. He can sense when his walk is coming to an end and it doesn't matter how long we've been out for. He never runs away he'll always follow me he just won't let me near enough to get a lead on. I've tried putting his lead on and off at odd times as we walk, calling him for a treat or a game and then sending him off to play. We play games and train while we're out to keep him interested in me. A long line helps sometimes but if he's playing with other dogs I'm worried they'll all get tangled and I want to keep him sociable. I'm afraid I'm running out of ideas.

I've managed to get him into an agility class starting in January but I'm worried he'll play up. He knows another dog who'll be going and he's at his worst with other dogs.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Once you get home, what does Dale get to do? It sounds like he might be having more fun away from home and doesn't want it to end. After walking into your home, try playing a game of tug or catch with some soft balls. Anything that will have him looking forward to when he gets home should work.

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He's exercised for around an hour off lead before breakfast so he eats when we get back. Then he has a longer walk later in the afternoon and I suppose doesn't get much attention when we come in because I usually have things to do then.

The other problem time with recall is when we go with my friend and her dog. They love playing together but there is a short stretch of the walk along a busy road so it has to be on lead. Then we go through fields and they can play again. However he still won't come although he knows he'll get off to play later. Linda can't wait for me to catch Dale,(she has a child to pick up)so it often ends up with me having to turn back and Dale missing the chance of playing with his friend.

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Try kneeling down, on one knee, spread your arms wide open, and legs open to a certin extent, giving him a nice place to run into, and see if he will respond to that. Lots of times a dog doesnt like to come to a standing or bending person, but they'll come if your on the ground, and your body language is more open, asking them to come in to you. Call his name first, to get his attention before you give the recall command, and dont be afraid to use your girl voice, it'll be much more excieting for him as well as give him more incentive to move quickly. Good luck. Hope it works for you.

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Try droping down, on one knee, spread your arms wide open, and legs open to a certin extent, giving him a nice place to run into, and see if he will respond to that. Lots of times a dog doesnt like to come to a standing or bending person, but they'll come if your on the ground, and your body language is more open, asking them to come in to you. Call his name first, to get his attention before you give the recall command, and dont be afraid to use your girl voice, it'll be much more excieting for him as well as give him more incentive to move quickly. Good luck. Hope it works for you.

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wow- the "re-call" I have every step mastered, the turn, the about turn, the 270 turn, the 360 turn, the sit -stay- the down stay, the stand- stay the come and drop on command, but the re-call........ :rolleyes: got me. In the house , he's ok. In the front yard (clud-De sac) he's ok. BUT...........distractions....................oh kill me. MOST BC

s old freeze and say "What am I doing wrong?

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Kit used to do this when we went for walks on the trail. I'd try to put her leash on as we came to an area approaching the trailhead and she didn't want the walk to end. I fixed this by turning around and walking in the opposite direction, as though we were heading back down the trail. I also do this when she gets too far out in front, she likes to be the "scout" on our hikes. She always runs after me to catch up. It's always a better game for me when she tries to catch me than vice versa. I always carry treats with me too, so I can randomly call her and reward her.

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