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BC and ACDs?

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Ok, I need some help. As you know I have one BC right now. I have been wanting another one for him to play with and for me to do flyball/agility/frisbee with. There's that ACD at the shelter that I'm in love with and I think they would be great together. The pup wants to play, and Black Jack has been wanting to play with Sage lately (she doesn't) The pup is already crate trained and spends most of his time in one since he's to afraid to go outside at the shelter. So crating him while I'm at work and such wouldn't be a problem. He just waits until your back. He wouldn't be able to be in the house all the time but most of the time he'd be down stairs with me, or outside with me. So would it be a good idea to try to see if Black Jack would get along with him? Does anyone have a ACD? What are they like with other dogs?

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I'll see how it goes. The biggest deciding factor will be my parents. I'm not sure if they'll want me to have another dog right now or not. I know Black Jack would love someone to play with. So I'll see what happenens in the next few days. Thanks guys :rolleyes:

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Could you foster him for a while to see if he fits in well? Even if you didn't decide to keep him permanently, it might help him in getting a permanent home, since you could work on his training and he would very likely be less nervous.


Happy Thanksgiving, AJ and Black Jack, from Jan and Daisy!!

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have had 2 ACDs and as many as 7 BCs at the same time....Midget was a sweetie, nicest ACD ever...unless you were a nasty ewe.


Boomer...well I think he's special. He's a bit grouchy but other dogs love to play with him, chase him, annoy him; ACDs are way different than BCs; More of the ADD (attention deficit) for sure; I love my ACDs but they are not Border collies in funny clothing, much more stubborn in my opinion. I love them to death tho'


this is Boomer



this Boomer, Pam my oldest BC, Chopper (pony of the americas) and either Maggie or Sergeant...Giant Schnauzer




These two are Midget when she was 15...I still miss her...she was a great herding dog, toughest ewe are baby lambs, she could do it all





I love them...but obviously I'm biased!



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I have an acd and love her to death. She came from a working farm. She is typical - anti-social but not aggressive (aloof), all about her family and could care less about other people, focus, drive, high-energy, very smart, stubborn and deals with the other dogs in the house.


ACDs are another breed that are not for everyone. They are hard-headed and want to know what is in it for them a lot of the time. They are a ton of fun. They are also velcro dogs. You don't get a lot of alone time with an acd.


I would defintely recommend a play date or possibly bring the acd home for the weekend. Acds don't get along necessarily with other dogs. They can be anti-social with people and dogs.

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I apologize ahead of time to any ACD owners. My boy has a mix that he thinks is Border Collie and ACD. I can definetly see the ACD but not the Border Collie. She is a sweet dog but dumb as a box of rocks.


There is a family near me that fosters Cattle Dogs. When they are out they ALWAYS go after us while we are on our walks. One of the dogs actually bit Ruger one time. I gave her a nice parting shot after I got her off Ruger. Their recall is horrible. Granted, it could be the owners.


My two cents worth, Ruger is my first Border Collie and the best dog I have ever been around. I have been around a few years too. I could not imagine getting another breed of dog unless I wanted a better watch dog. If a person can cope with a Border Collie and wants a second dog, go with the best dang dog in the world.


I am still going to name my next Border Collie Black Jack. I love that name.

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Hi, both ACDS and BCS are rated in the top 10 smartest dogs. I have owned 4 ACDS and a BC. All 5 dogs very smart and learn very quickly and very easy to train.


My ACDS are much more velcro and focussed on me. Only one has been funny with other dogs outside the family and I have had to monitor this. They like to get to know people before they are included in their welcome. One of my current ACDS is very calm and smart and got her JD in 3 runs in agility and beat plenty of BC butt. She is amazing to train.


My BC is completely different, less focussed on me and more extroverted with strangers. She is also very smart but is more difficult if she doesnt want to do something in training whereas my ACDS will try their little hearts out to please me and are much more focussed. My BC is improving though and is also a joy.


They all get on really well but my BC is very very bossy and pushy! The ACDS throw their superior weight around if she gets too bossy!


ACDS can be stubborn and hard headed but I havnt really noticed this with mine, they have been a joy to train. They need to be trained and exercised and socialised right from the start to avoid any problems with aggression or chasing other dogs or people.


I love both breeds and will probably always have at least one of each. I couldnt pick which I prefer.

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I apologize ahead of time to any ACD owners. My boy has a mix that he thinks is Border Collie and ACD. I can definetly see the ACD but not the Border Collie. She is a sweet dog but dumb as a box of rocks.


None taken. ACD's can be really "harder" than BCs in my opinion having owned a really nice one that wouldn't bite another dog or person...and one that doesn't get along with many dogs. Now I have control on him and wouldn't let him go off and bite another dog but he is challenging;


Read up on the breed, they are much harder in head than BCs and are NOT for the average owner; I'm not sure I would say dumb as a box of rocks....but mine were not as willing to please as the BCs...don't know if that is dumb...



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