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Swimming in a Pond

Guest jackieandryan

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Guest jackieandryan

There is a pond that dogs like to swim in near the dog park we take Rylee to. I was just wondering if it was a good idea to let her swim in it. I noticed most of the dogs like to drink the water as well.


Are there a lot of diseases that I should worry about? Or is it pretty safe?

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This is something that has concerned me too. The dog park we go to has a lake and the water looks pretty dirty -- hundred of dogs swim (and poop) in the water. Senneca has no hesitation drinking from the water and she's usually far enough out that it is hard to stop her. Thankfully, a dog's digestive system is not like ours -- she's never had any upset from drinking there.

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Fergie swims in our neighborhood pond when she's really hot in the summer or when there are loud noises - gunshots form the 5-mile distant skeet range or hints of thunder. And she slurps as she swims.


She also drinks from puddles and oogy pseudo streams when it rains.


And she's about to turn 12. And healthy as an ox according to our vet.

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I read an article this past summer about dogs swimming in ponds, and that there was some kind of some thing growing in or on the pond, that was killing dogs rather quickly. Maybe some one else read it or knows what it was and can elaborate on it. Till them I'll look around for that info.

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I read an article this past summer about dogs swimming in ponds, and that there was some kind of some thing growing in or on the pond, that was killing dogs rather quickly. Maybe some one else read it or knows what it was and can elaborate on it. Till them I'll look around for that info.

Yep, I read that article, too. It's an algae of some sort (I think) and it has killed dogs and people.

I think I remember seeing a link to the article on another board....if I can find it, I'll post it.


Here's a few:


Drinking stagnant pond water during hot, dry weather can kill animals if the water contains certain species of blue-green algae. Intoxication with blue-green algae is characterized by convulsions, ataxia, bloody diarrhea and sudden death.


Skin exposure to some kinds of toxic algae can result in irritation or allergic reactions, and drinking algae that is producing toxins can result in nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If animals ingest the toxin, they can be quickly paralyzed and die.

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I take my dog swimming about once or twice a week (Sat & Sunday) to two large dog parks that have ponds/lakes especially for dogs. He hasn't had any issues due to the dirty water, and this is the dog that only has to "smell" chicken to have violent diharea :rolleyes: When I first took him swimming to the large reservoir where I think most of Denver gets its water, he had big issues with giardia. Then he got it from a small pond where Canadian geese and ducks were hanging out. And he never intentionally drank the water. I had to vaccinate him against giardia after the third time he was diagnosted with giardia. But he never picked up any "yuckies" from the ponds/lakes at the dog park.


Guess if you see so many dogs going there all the time, it should be a good indication it's safe. I'd say go and ask the other dog owners if you are concerned about it.

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Most of the "dog parks" that we sometimes frequent have ponds/rivers/streams in them. In the summer when the water is low I will only let the dogs swim/drink in the water that is actively running, as the water quality can be pretty nasty that time of year. I always take 4 or 5 large waterbottles full of fresh water and a travel water bowl (not as great as a dip in the lake, but safer). Fortunately, we have had no real problem with the water and the only issue has been that the dogs get pretty stinky from their forays into the water. :rolleyes: I would try to avoid stagnant looking/slow moving bodies of water, especially when the weather is warmer.

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