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wee bit of help, maybe more

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OK- We have moved, almost- been there several days to let him sniff, know his crate, do the park thing. But the dog will not poop. He has NO issue's with pooping on a leash, so......that's not a problem. He does however have a problem with my backyard. It has a fan-ooops.He stares! OK, so I take him down to the park- no poo poo, street lined places (doggies bag in hand) NO poo poo- At home he's a mighty fine crapper....I'm sure he's gotta let go.....but should I worry?

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Maggie occasionally goes on "poop strikes", so I just wait her out - not the best thing I know, but she generally will go no longer than 36 hours w/o pooping. I think there's some trick you can do w/ the end of a paper match, but I don't like messing around with that area too much myself.

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Are ya sure he hasnt eaten something that may have him bound up? To much raw hide will do it for one of my dogs, but any number of things can get em that way. Darci

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Well, we really have only been there off and on. The packers come tomorrow. So maybe he's been "holding it" until we get home. He went about 16 hours with no pooping. I guess I will know better once I can watch him 24/7. I don't worry about it here in Boise because he uses the doggy door. I like the "poop strike" comment- LOL and I think once we get settled I'll be able to keep better tabs on his "issues". WOW, what a hectic month!!

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It might just be all the change going on. I know if I change much Black Jack won't poop much. But he always goes after he plays. Sometimes he can't hold it long enough to finish playing :rolleyes: When I first got him he went on strike too.

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