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What is it about tunnels?

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Speedy hasn't had an agility class in 4 years, but he is still sucked into tunnels!


After a Freestyle demo today, one of the members of our club put out a small play tunnel and we each got a turn letting our dogs go through it. The other dogs walk through it, or run through it. Not Mr. Speedy, though. He is sucked into it and is immediately projected out the other side. Speedy went through once "whhhhomp!" He readily turned and went back again "whhhhhhhhomp!" When I called him off of it, he stuck his head in it and stood there as if there was no power over the lure of the tunnel!!


Speedy was taught tunnels by the old "rev your dog up good, go "TUNNELTUNNELTUNNEL" in a high pitched voice, and squeal when your dog comes out the other side" method. I learned my lesson and taught Dean to go through the tunnel more sensibly. He loves them as much as his brother does, although he has a ton more control around them and he doesn't give the impression that he is being sucked in and projected out.


But on Sunday when we were to go over the low dog walk, there was a tunnel set up right next to it. Before he went over the dog walk, he inclined his head toward the tunnel. It was clear which way he wanted to go!!


Maddie isn't like that at all. She can take or leave tunnels. If she has the choice of a tunnel or the A-Frame, she's going up that A-Frame, and thank you!


What is it with Border Collies and tunnels?

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LOL!! Yeah, it seems to me that once they understand what the chute is about it becomes a FAVORITE!


The first time Dean went through a chute with all of the material down, he came out the other end so pumped up that he turned right around and tried to go back through, but the material was in the way. He stood there and stared at it, for all the world as if he was trying to figure out how to get back in there! I pointed out the way around and he went right through again!

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:rolleyes: So its not just Dale! I bought a cheap collapsible tunnel in a sale, just to see how he got on and he loves it. The last time I got it out he couldn't wait for me to get it fastened down. He got in alright and then you've never seen such a tangle of dog and nylon. :D Its a wonder the tunnel survived, but it didn't put him off a bit.

I just wish I could get him into an agility class a bit sooner.

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Bailey and Ginger also love the tunnel - more than any other piece of equipment! They zoom through it so fast! Even Willow, who I thought would be deathly afraid of the tunnel our first time doing agility, loved it! She went through on the first try. I was completely surprised. I couldn't even get her to put her feet up on a stool to practice balance!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Lucia is a tunnel freak, too :D We got her first NADAC title in tunnelers. I have to think at least two tunnels ahead of her or she'll blow the course :rolleyes: I wish she would have that kind of speed in the other classes :D


One time we were running a reg. class during a trial and she got a case of the zoomies in the arena and hit EVERY tunnel at least twice before I could get her under control again and finish the course. I have it all on video. I wasn't sure whether to be embarrased by the sudden lack of obedience or cheer her on for having so much fun :D

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Senneca also seems to be influence by a space warp that only affects borders collies and sucks her in to tunnels and ejects her at high speed at the other end. Her first introduction to the chute showed that it also has a similar BC warp effect. Very strange. Other dogs is our agility class seemed totally unaffected by this space warp, but both BCs in the class reacted in the same way.

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Bree is a huge tunnel suck. I wouldn't DARE run her in a tunnelers class at this point - maybe never. :rolleyes: June, on the other hand, is convinced that tunnels quite possibly might contain something evil - so she'll go, but she doesn't exactly *love* them. She's getting better about it though.

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