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Another trip to the vet for Cody!

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Cody got hurt...again. This time, we were at the dog park, and played and played and played. Ball, frisbee, with other dogs, etc. He did great with the 12+ other dogs there, no aggression at all.


When I loaded him in the car after our fun afternoon, I noticed his left front paw looked bloody on the bottom. Lo and behold, his entire pad was dangling off by a thread. YUCK. And the pad between his toes and his elbow (I don't even know what that one is for) was also kinda mangled.


I tried to clean it up with soapy water and then some antibacterial ointment. He seemed like he wasn't in terrible pain but he acted like his paw was very sensitive.


After having several dog-owning neighbors look at his paw, we all agreed a vet visit was in order. Unfortunately it was Sunday so of course only the 24 hour emergency vet is open, and I didn't want to wait until this morning and take a half day off work for this. So there we were at 8 pm - 10 pm last night. And by this point the entire pad literally fell off, leaving naked, red skin underneath it.


So now he's back on antiobiotics and pain killer, and NO walking, NO running for at least three days. Poor guy. He looked so sad this morning when I went out running without him. The vet was adamant not to let him walk with that exposed pad on concrete, roads, etc. So he can only go outside to potty in the yard, then back indoors with little activity.


Why do I feel like raising a dog is as much work as raising a kid? I guess the only thing different is that I don't have to save for his college education! :rolleyes:

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You know ... this happens to my dogs on a somewhat regular basis. It happens in rough grass or on gravel, since they are used to sand and swimming. Every single year it happens to Red Dog at Hyperbowl and he has to be put up since he has no paw pads left. In the future, I think you can avoid a vet visit (and antibiotics) by cleaning with with something like Hibitane and padding and wrapping it for walks. Pads heal up REALLY fast. They are tough.



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I usually rinse them off with cool water if they are dirty, then let them dry in the crate. Then I spray on colloidal silver and put a eliz. collar on for a day to keep them from licking it (not really worried about the cs, just don't want them to keep it open). They heel up really quick.


His pads will either get tougher, or you will learn what surfaces and activities to back down the running on. Some of both probably :rolleyes:

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I agree with RDM. My dogs are used to hiking on a surface that's like natural cement. If that's not enough, it's in a creek so their feet are wet and actually more prone to tearing. Occasionally someone tears a pad still but very rarely. They build up a resistance to it sort of like little kids do to hot cement in the Summer. I've never taken a dog to the vet for a torn pad because they do heal amazingly quickly if kept clean and left alone (and wrapped if you have a pathetic dog who likes to live up having a bum foot like my Tank does).

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That blasted back pad has gotten Usher 4 times now. I'm not such a worry wart and realize he's a fast dog and we don't play on cement, but it still happens on grass and dirt. So, this apparently is something we will have to live with. They do heal quick. I don't worry anymore, just keep in clean and remember to try and play gently (that isn't in his vocabulary) but it is mine. I don't freak out at the blood anymore. Never happened to my other dogs and they were pretty fast. But he's a nut.

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Poor Cody! I hope he's better today. That look is the hardest.

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