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We suddenly had a thunder and lightning storm tonight that really freaked out my kinko and now she has hidden herself in a closet and won't come out for even cheese or her ball. (I have never seen this not work for her) Anyways I don't want to force her out, I don't want her to think that if she hides she won't have to sleep in her crate, and I am thinking that she will chew up everything in there because she is stressed. Does anyone have any good ideas?

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Is the storm still going? Also have you checked the radar for another storm heading your way?


Libby goes storm nutty till one of us goes outside and puts her into her dog house. But I've noticed with Libby, she seems to start before a storm actually hits. Barking, passing( sp) and digging.


The others can give you advice on how to get her to come out. In meantime, maybe try acting like nothing is wrong. Hopefully, the others who are more experienced with this will be on shortly.

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I havent experienced this issue, but when Riven acts scared we ignore her. The trainer said unless she's basically hurting herself just ignore her. Babying her and paying attention to her gives her permission to be afraid.... sounds harsh, but it works for us

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Just leave the door to the closet open so she can get out when she's ready. If she sleeps in her crate, leave the door to the crate open so she can get into it, if she wants to. Coaxing, bribing (tugging and pulling), don't work when the dog is really afraid.


You could also try sitting by the closet and speaking to her in a conversational tone, and see if that calms her down. Allie has on occasion done something similar. Eventually, she creeps out and I stroke her and talk to her. She then tries to climb in my lap and have a good cuddle. That usually snaps her out of it.


I hope it all works out for you and Kinko.

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Pearl is afraid of thunder and goes and hides and becomes totally unresponsive when thunder is anywhere near. I found that clipping a leash on her collar or a lead around her neck if she isn't wearing her collar she would respond to commands, then I could get her out where I could cuddle /comfort her. Good Luck.

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Don't baby her whatever you do - that will make it worse!!!

To a dog, you are saying that you are scared too - because their Alpha (you) is acting scared, that makes them get even more scared.


I would ignore her at first - or if she is being really freaked, just let her know that she needs to suck up and deal with it, there is nothing to be scared of.


Get really silly with her - play with the toys yourself, eat her food (the cheese treats), and have a grand old time without her (if she wants to sit and hide, fine). She will then most likely get the idea that you are so happy and brave and will let nothing happen to her that she will come out to have fun with you.


But no petting, sweet talking, bribing, cuddles, ect. That will indeed make it worse. Dogs just don't understand the "its alright honey, you are safe here, its OK" stuff - it just sounds like whining (like a scared dog) to them.

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When Bailey gets freaked out and hides, I ignore him (obviously I keep an eye on him to make sure he's not doing any damage, but without him knowing). You fuss over them , they're going to learn that being scared is the right response. She'll come out when she's ready.

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