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Sara's Surgical Update - 7/2

bc friend

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Surgery did not quite go as planned. When my vet opened Sara, she found a perfectly normal spleen but a baseball sized tumor on the liver. From visual exam, the tumor did not appear malignant and her other abdominal organs showed no signs of tumors or disease. Although the tumor sounded huge to me, after a brief anatomy lesson from my vet, I learned that it did not cover even one lobe of the liver (the liver is a dog's largest internal organ - learn something new every day) and that most liver tumors are not malignant. Anyway my vet closed Sara up and contacted a specialty surgeon at Gulf Coast specialists to do the liver surgery (this surgeon has performed 2 other liver surgeries this yr for my vet w/great results). It is now set for next Monday, Sara will stay there thru Wed and both drs think from x-rays, bloodwork and my vet's visual, hands-on exam that Sara's prognosis is very good. Apparently even malignant liver tumors generally grow slowly. No one can guarantee the results, but at least it sounds hopeful.


In the meantime, Sara came out of the anethesia very easily, was up and about w/in a few hours and is home. She is peeing, pooping and asking for food (she gets only liquid tonight) so she seems to have come thru today's surgery just fine.


Thanks for all the good thoughts - I'm sure they helped!

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Gulf Coast is who did my dogs splenectomy, down here in SA, they have some really good surgeons, although they are pricey. My dog had hemangiosarcoma, tumor on his spleen had ruptured...so they just removed the whole spleen. He was 12, and pretty weakened by the rupture, but he made it through the surgery with no problem, I was quite surprised. Sounds like your girls going to make it through just fine as well ;-)

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