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Guest LJS1993

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Guest LJS1993

I want further input on this so feel free to give your vote. I am about to make a choice as to how we are going to further develop both ourselves as owners and Freckles as canine. As stated in an earlier thread, socialization is my weak point when it comes to dog training.

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My dog has made socialization very easy. He's uber friendly and loves all people and dogs. An obedience class is the best place to start, and then on to other dog friendly events or just trips to dog parks or someplace she can be around dogs.

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Guest LJS1993
What were the options for the poll going to be? you could just list them and so a "fake" poll :rolleyes:



Okay here were the possible options.


1. PetsMart Classes (Or similiar)

2. Dog Park (immersion)

3. Dog Group/Friends/Walks on leash)

4. All of the above simultaneously

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I pretty much do option 3 with Jackson, but mainly because the dog park was too crazy in my opinion. Once I took Jackson and a group of about 6 couples came in with their children. The people put a 3-4 mon old baby in a carrier on the ground so she "wouldn't be afraid of dogs". Meanwhile there are dogs all trying to sniff the baby or mark the carrier. Also, there weren't many dog savvy people there when I took Jackson and often let their dogs get away with bad behavior or scream at jackson when he tried to start a game of chase/tag. Now I have a few people in the neighbor that I know and we let our dogs run in the field behind a local school. I also live in a city so I take Jackson downtown and let him meet people and other dogs while on a leash. I thought about Petsmart, but we were well past basic obedience and I didn't want to pay money just to let him see other dogs.

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I'd say options 1 and 3. We've had some not-great experiences with the dog park, and I think going there actually contributed to Sophie's reactivity. In my experience, the vast majority of dogs in dog parks are barely in the control of their usually pretty clueless owners. And, actually, during the first year of Sophie's life when we used to go to dog parks, I was pretty clueless myself. So I recommend skipping the dog park.


I think it's great socialization to go on walks with other friendly dogs. Provided everyone is friendly, I think that's the best way to socialize a dog, in fact. The dogs learn that other dogs are fun, and fun things happen when other dogs are around. Thus, other dogs = fun, which means relaxed, good times for everyone.


However, I also like my dogs to understand that just because they do see other dogs, that doesn't automatically mean it is time to cut loose and go wild. Thus, the value of obedience classes, where dogs learn that they can be around other dogs but not necessarily play with them or focus on them. This is another valuable lesson, and in my opinion, the combination of walks with other dogs and classes with other dogs creates a balanced dog who neither fears other dogs nor loses his mind around them.

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Guest LJS1993

Thanks guys. I really wanted to just make a poll so it's not a repeat of a thread I made awhile back. My buddy has a 10yr old Aussie named Misty who I might be able to walk with now and then. Excellent input so far.

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Interesting question!


My dog was (is) reactive, and recently a bunch of dog ladies I've met at an informal dog park have been going with me to "real" parks with trails and woods and such. It's interesting to watch Buddy walk with "his" pack on neutral ground. He seems to accept new dogs much more readily if they greet his pack first and are accepted by the less reactive dogs around.


So... from my very brief experience... I'd say walking with friendly dogs can be a big plus.


Good luck.



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Not to be contrary...but none of the choices provided would be my choice. I have a reactive pup (reactive meaning he just really wants to play with any dog he sees), and what we're working on is not socialization but "I, the human, am the most fun thing in your world; ignore the other dogs!" While I certainly don't want an aggressive dog (not a chance with this one!), I also want one who would rather be with me than with other people or other dogs. If he's going to make it in the agility world, I must be his #1!


Just some thoughts...


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Guest LJS1993
Not to be contrary...but none of the choices provided would be my choice. I have a reactive pup (reactive meaning he just really wants to play with any dog he sees), and what we're working on is not socialization but "I, the human, am the most fun thing in your world; ignore the other dogs!" While I certainly don't want an aggressive dog (not a chance with this one!), I also want one who would rather be with me than with other people or other dogs. If he's going to make it in the agility world, I must be his #1!


Just some thoughts...




I see your point. The thing with Freckles is my fiance and I are the center of her attention. Like right now for instance she is waiting for me to go run her on the ranch. I want to socialize her because she is very timid around other dogs. Around other people it depends on her location and the person. On the ranch she is very protective while at Petsmart she is shy but warms up to people quickly. But I can definately see your point though.

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Guest WoobiesMom

I guess I'm sort of doing all simultaneously, as well as desensitization and counter-conditioning. I opted for a different kind of training than the traditional classes. Or I should say I was fortunate enough to find an alternative. My class was a flat rate for 6 mos. of Saturdays and each dog is trained in the way that works for it and its owner and each dog progresses at its own rate. I don't have to worry about getting it all in in 8 sessions.


I also use the dog park alot for socialization with people. Woobie loves other dogs but is very skittish with people. His confidence with strangers is helped greatly by dog people who have slowly built their relationships with him with patience. The idiots annoy me too but I leave when they arrive and the pros outweigh the cons for me.


We walk as much as possible in public places with lots of people as part of our desensitization and counter-conditioning exercises as well as working obedience exercises near ball fields and playgrounds to work on his fear of kids and all the noises they make.


You might find the booklet Cautious Canine helpful if your dog is timid in certain situation. I got mine through Dogwise.

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Guest LJS1993
I guess I'm sort of doing all simultaneously, as well as desensitization and counter-conditioning. I opted for a different kind of training than the traditional classes. Or I should say I was fortunate enough to find an alternative. My class was a flat rate for 6 mos. of Saturdays and each dog is trained in the way that works for it and its owner and each dog progresses at its own rate. I don't have to worry about getting it all in in 8 sessions.


I also use the dog park alot for socialization with people. Woobie loves other dogs but is very skittish with people. His confidence with strangers is helped greatly by dog people who have slowly built their relationships with him with patience. The idiots annoy me too but I leave when they arrive and the pros outweigh the cons for me.


We walk as much as possible in public places with lots of people as part of our desensitization and counter-conditioning exercises as well as working obedience exercises near ball fields and playgrounds to work on his fear of kids and all the noises they make.


You might find the booklet Cautious Canine helpful if your dog is timid in certain situation. I got mine through Dogwise.


Cool, cool, I will check that book out. So far it looks like all three are getting good support.

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