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She must not like going for walks!

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My 3 month old pup was in her outside kennel for the day. ( It's about as big as my living room, with the heavy duty chain link and roof. I always hang the leash up on it after I put her in. It had her collar attached to it since it came off of her again ( I will never buy a quick release for a BC again! ) Well, when I got home, she had managed to pull the leash through the chain link, chew it in half and hid her collar somewhere! She's been digging holes so it will probably end up in one of them. So now I have half a leash. It was a cheap puppy one anyways but still! Silly puppy.

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Buy stuff from Lupine (Conway, NH - but available through vets and kennels), They replaced a leash or collar for my brother that had been though about 3 dogs when the 4th chewed it.

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If you are bothered by the hole-digging at all you can get square concrete stepping-stones cheap...we put them down in our dog's outdoor kennel and its been great...no more mud!

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ya, we have half of it cement on the bottom and the other half just has the fence dug really deep into the ground. We are going to put the blocks down on the other side too. The bottom is lined with straw over the cement. As for the quick release, basically, she has figured out that is she jerks her neck while it's on, the collar breaks apart. Also, when we are outside doing the garden or whatever, we have her on her tie down leash, until one day she figured out that if she runs really fast, she can break out of her collar when she gets to the end. Luckily, she has never tried to run away but I know that can't last forever. We walk before she goes into her kennel for the day and then when I come home from work so that is why I hung it there. Any recommendations for my new set? Maybe I will check her vet for one.

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Dog equipment, ha! Our experience with the quick release collar was that we lost it the first time Daisy wore it. No more quick-release collars for her. As to leashes, Daisy loves her regular leash because she loves to go for walks. She bends her head over so nicely to have it clicked on. However, I got one of those tape extension leashes and she hated it, probably because of the odd sound it made. She turned around and bit it in half in one snap!

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Nothing beats a plain old nylon flat buckle collar, but if you put her in an outside kennel I would probably

take it off, especially a youg dog...too much of a risk of hanging on something.

Of course a 3 month old pup is in the middle of 'chewing frenzy' period too... for walks I stay with

plain leather. Some dogs can spook with flexileads if they're dropped, plus control isn't

the best and nylon can burn like crazy.

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