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Puppy wieght

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Hello everyone,

I was just wandering how heavy a bc puppy should be at 18 wks old Mack is about 10kg and 15inches tall . Is this about right as he's looking a bit on the thin side but then again he is really leggy at the min.

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Holly weighed about that at that age but i don't know how tall she was. We tried to keep her on the leggy and thin side as was advised that is better. Although she wasn't a big eater then so it wasn't to hard. I think it's more to do with the look of them and Mack sounds right to me. (although i am no expert). Holly's mum was small but her dad was a big BC so she is in between the two sizes as an adult. I am led to believe there can be a lot of difference in adult size/weight. :rolleyes:

I know Holly has BC pals who are tiny compared to her and also ones who look really big near her so that must be right.


If you are concerned you could post some pic's of him then i am sure you will get some good advice on him on here. :D

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Hi thanks i'm not really concerned as he's not ribby or boney i was just more curious i think and just wanted to make sure he wasn't on the light side but i guess he must be eating enough. :rolleyes::D

I will try to get some pics posted later or tomorrow. :D

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He doesn't look too thin to me. The photo's come up a bit big when you enlarge them, i couldn't get him all in the same picture, had to move the screen around.


He's a lovely looking little boy. :rolleyes: I think he looks alright, it is a job to know, Holly is my first BC so i never was that sure with her. I have been informed that you should be able to feal the ribs easily with only a small layer of fat. That's what we base Holly on now. :D

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:rolleyes: I wouldn't worry about it, it seems that if you have a prefectly healthy BC or BC mutt...... every one will try to convince you that they are to skinny..... but in all reality, everyone thinks that the fat dogs weigh just the right amount.
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He doesn't look too thin to me. The photo's come up a bit big when you enlarge them, i couldn't get him all in the same picture, had to move the screen around.


He's a lovely looking little boy. :D


Thank you :D I don't know why my pics always come up so big i uploaded straight from the laptop maybe i should try uploading to photobucket first then from there to here?



Oh, no, he's waaay too skinny! Just ship him right over to me, and I'll fatten him up! :D:D

You've got no chance :D i've always thought bc's where nice dogs but now i think i'm addicted he's here for good :D



:D I wouldn't worry about it, it seems that if you have a prefectly healthy BC or BC mutt...... every one will try to convince you that they are to skinny..... but in all reality, everyone thinks that the fat dogs weigh just the right amount.


As i said before i'm not to worried i was more curious and just wanted some input from others . Ask for everyone trying to covince u they are skinny try owing whippets and the skinny comments you get about them that gets annoying :rolleyes: Everywhere i go everyone just thinks Mack is adorable which of course he is :D The manager and ass manager of my sons nursery school both own bc's so i get some input from there to :D

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I would use the photobucket. I hadn't a clue what it was until i came on here. It took me awhile but i think i have the hang of it now. The photo's come out a good size then too.


With requards to the thin/fat dogs i would sooner have a thinner (not underweight though) dog than a overweight one. I had a Yorkshire Terrier for 12years and it has made me a bit weight conscious now in dogs more as she had diabetes for 6years which can affect any overweight dog. It was really hard keeping her healthy and it isn't a very nice condition to have. We made mistakes with her when we got her with feeding so it's made me very careful about Holly now.


When i see a fat dog plodding along now all i think is diabetes/arthritus etc waiting to happen!!!

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Looks like a healthy pup to me. When we wook Ed to the vets last week he weighed in at 9.9kg (he's 16wks today). If measuring from floor to top of shoulder I think he's about the same height. Vet told us the same thing about being able to feel ribs with slight layer of fat, and that you shouldn't be able to see and/or feel the spine.

Ed's got a blue ball like the one in your picture. It's his favourite toy at the moment and keeps bodging me with it until I play! Bodge, squeek, bodge, squeek!


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I have 1 very very wet puppy at the moment i have just been hosing the garden and mack decided the get in the way and get himself wet and snap and bite at the water it was just so funny :rolleyes::D

Trcy mack blue ball no longer squeaks thankgod my 3 yr old son broke the squeak an hr after we bought it which was a relief as he gave me a awful headache squeaking my son that is not mack :D

Poor mack never got chance to squeak it but he doesn't care he just loves balls :D

I'm glad of the replies i think sometimes its just nice to have people who have the same breed of dog to give their input and opinions on how your dog looks at least then your getting input' opinions from people who know what they are talking about. so thank you :D:D

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