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Well, went training today for the first time in a few weeks. Got there, and had remembered some of the pearls I gleened from a recent clinic- namely- don't fight your dog, let her do her job, and don't flail about. Seems simple right? Any dummy would know that. Well, apparently not me. BUT, I did remember, and employed the aforementioned. You know what? A well behaved dog who did her job, and I did mine. No yelling, no me getting irritated which just wound her up. I was able to move about with almost 100% impunity. IMAGINE that. I stayed off dog- dog stayed off sheep- sheep stayed off me. We didn't do anything earth shattering but for ONCE I felt like I was in charge the whole time- and that was because I let go a bit. AHHHHHHH.


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It's pretty cool when things come together the way they are supposed to! Good for you!

And, cool emoticon!


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Thanks everyone. It was really nice. We had another lesson, in which we did some just good ol' flank work, and then moved out to bigger pasture. She is finally beginning to realize that she has to work for me, which, when you add in that she is still in heat, and a bit spoiled, well, you get a sulky girl. She sure did pick up though when I had all the sheep out and we were heading to the draw, and they were taking off. She had the best outrun yet. Seems this girl needs to feel that she is doing real work? Who knows. It is all new to me, and I just hope we can continue, to where I don't know!

Am talking with a guy today about keeping sheep on his place, wish me luck. I just can't stand not having sheep anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Brilliant Julie! :D I am really pleased for you. I know the feeling that sometimes training can seem like one long hard slog. You take two steps forward and then about five steps back! :rolleyes: When piece of the jigsaw falls into place, it is really amazing :D I don't think any other kind of dog training can give you that feeling.

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