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I guess you all know by now, that I purchased "Usher" to be my service dog. I've had about 20 years of experience training in obedience, agility and herding (never beyond novice- but was told I should move up) The other day was my neurologist appointment. I have dystonia. It's a lot like Parkinson's, except I won't die from it, but when I die, I will still have it.

Anyways, I took Usher- reluctantly as my service dog in training and he was so good. Once that vest was on, he turned into a different dog. He heeled, sat at the receptionist office, then onto the waiting room, was great......except to jump & great one client. My fault- didn't look ahead. By the time the neuro came in, he said my tremor was down almost 50% . He asked if I changed my meds. Nope. It's my DOG. He calms me, he helps me up the stairs, he is my boy. Then the Dr. suggested holding off on the deep brain stimulation. wow- I didn't want to go through that. One slip and you are at the salad bar, veggies included.

Anyway- back to obedience.........Usher is going through obedience, although I used to train it, it's important- specially with THIS dog to get an outsiders opinion. Sunday was class time and they were teaching the stay command. Usher stayed on a down with treats on both paws while I did the 5 year old dance and high voice and jumped over him. He was the hit of the day.

Oh sure, he has his days, but now at 8 months, he is becoming his own person. Since this is my only border collie (at this time- LOL) I want him to be an "all over dog" ! !!! Service dog, herding dog, obedience dog, maybe a little agility wouldn't hurt either one of us.

Just wanted to brag-


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Tha's great Diane! Please keep us posted with yours and his progress in all the venues!!!



I guess you all know by now, that I purchased "Usher" to be my service dog. I've had about 20 years of experience training in obedience, agility and herding (never beyond novice- but was told I should move up) The other day was my neurologist appointment. I have dystonia. It's a lot like Parkinson's, except I won't die from it, but when I die, I will still have it.

Anyways, I took Usher- reluctantly as my service dog in training and he was so good. Once that vest was on, he turned into a different dog. He heeled, sat at the receptionist office, then onto the waiting room, was great......except to jump & great one client. My fault- didn't look ahead. By the time the neuro came in, he said my tremor was down almost 50% . He asked if I changed my meds. Nope. It's my DOG. He calms me, he helps me up the stairs, he is my boy. Then the Dr. suggested holding off on the deep brain stimulation. wow- I didn't want to go through that. One slip and you are at the salad bar, veggies included.

Anyway- back to obedience.........Usher is going through obedience, although I used to train it, it's important- specially with THIS dog to get an outsiders opinion. Sunday was class time and they were teaching the stay command. Usher stayed on a down with treats on both paws while I did the 5 year old dance and high voice and jumped over him. He was the hit of the day.

Oh sure, he has his days, but now at 8 months, he is becoming his own person. Since this is my only border collie (at this time- LOL) I want him to be an "all over dog" ! !!! Service dog, herding dog, obedience dog, maybe a little agility wouldn't hurt either one of us.

Just wanted to brag-


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That's fantastic that he's doing so well at such a young age! Give him a kiss and a cookie from me - you must be thrilled. :rolleyes:

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Ahh, what a wonderful read knowing what a good boy your Usher is! And only at 8 months, how fantastic! Great job and may you have years of fun and glorious "bragging" ahead, though I don't call it bragging-- I think it's "super-talk"! Cheers to you and Usher!

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Thank you all for your replies. Usher has learned a new trick- It's amazing what can happen when your computer is shut off for a day- LOL. His "beg" is beginning to look good, although my mother makes fun of his small "member" and says maybe that's why he can't balance. Poor dog.

Anyway, will keep you posted on how I am doing and my hard headed, but wonderful dog, Usher- I guess you know why I named him that- He'll be leading me around. He's not even musical. LOL.

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