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Worm composting?

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Well, this is a sort of livestock management question.


I've got a small back yard, mostly shaded, and need what area we have for the dogs. I really miss composting my kitchen and yard waste - hate just throwing it in the trash. Does anyone know anything about worm composting? I'm assuming worms would take up a smaller space than a regular compost heap. And I tried one of those drum things, didn't work for me. I'm really much more the type to drop it all in a heap, turn it maybe once a month and then get some great dirt from it down the road.


We're a household of 2 adults and 5 critters. I'm wondering if worm composting would be able to handle the amounts of kitchen waste we produce. And, if the worms are fussy at all. Keeing the pile moist I could handle, checking ph and keeping the nitrogen ratio in balance I could not do well.


Thanks in advance!


Ruth n the BC3

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My gosh, Mizitiki, that's the absolute gold mine of information! Thanks so much for that link - off to read some more.


Any other responses will still be read and appreciated.


Oh, and I went straight to Vermicomposting Dog Poop topic. Am I predictable or what? I figure if you can compost a sheep, ya otta be able to compost some dog poop.



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