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A christmas recommendation


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Hey -


Just wanted to do a little review and recommend a new DVD that's just come out. Produced by our very own Denise Wall, "In the Mind of a Champion" is most excellent! I watched it last night and was blown away, really. The production is excellent and the content interesting and educational. I doubt anyone could watch this and not come away with some new thing to consider in running dogs. Scott Glen and Alasdair MacRae narrate their winning runs at the Bluegrass classis double lift and it's quite amazing to hear their thought processes as the runs progress.


Consider this DVD for yourself and/or friends for Christmas!

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Laurie - Will you be at the VBCA Winter Trial this weekend? If Denise is there, her DVD should be there also. I know she had it available at Sam's and Tom's trials.


That's what I want for Christmas!

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Holy crap, one more thing I have to buy and I just paid California sales tax on my Element even though it wasn't purchased in California (how the heck does THAT work?).


I'll put it on my Christmas list.


Thanks for getting the word out!

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How about a new project and figure out how to mount a camera on a dog--
Wow, my cameras and lenses are pretty heavy. I can't imagine strapping a ten lb camera on a dog's head! There are smaller, lighter cameras but I don't have one.


I think that would be very interesting. And bet you could get some more cool pictures for your coffee table book too
Yes, imagine strapping one to AwfulKate. All you would see would be pictures of sheep's butts and mud clods flying like missiles toward the camera as the sheep run for their lives away from her :rolleyes: Is there a market for pics like that?


Seriously, I watched a little bit of that herding from a dog's POV and also found it interesting. I think it would be something neat to do with sheep that weren't total knee knockers like those were. It would be interesting to capture actual interaction between the dog and sheep from the perspective of the dog. It would be tough to pull off, but it would be cool if somebody could. Again, my videocam is large and heavy. There are plenty of small high quality ones out there that would work though.

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I have seen kayakers with that sort of camera-strapped-to-helmet setup. It's not heavy and I imagine that the cameras can't be that expensive or else they wouldn't be taking them down steep creeks. We might all have to chip in and buy Denise a "dogview" camera for Christmas! I thought "WreckingBall" was a interesting concept and perspective. I'd never REALLY stopped to think what my dogs see from that angle.



Accompanied by the Nell-ster and Benny-boy, Cleo and Diesel

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