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Yesterday morning during Pegasus's workout after he jumped up to catch a ball and on his way down his rear leg/paw came down on top of another ball, right off he held his leg/paw up like he hurt it. Now his paw was only 10 to 12 inches off the ground at most before coming down with one paw landing normally on the ground while the other came down landing on top a tennis ball. I stopped his workout right then we were really done with the workout and in play/fun time anyway. Well by the time we got home about an half hour or so he was showing almost no sign of it but I made him take it easy anyway even though he was not happy about it. Then around 6:30 after his meal since he was showing no signs of hurting I took him for about a mile walk and short visit with my brothers family who he goes crazy to see and then back home. About an hour after being home he would not use that leg,he kept it up not wanting to use it at all, it was easy to see that not being able to use it or wanting to use it was bothering him. This morning not much of a change untill I took him in to see his Vet he started useing it alittle. We did not get to see the Vet due to an earlier emergency that came in that needed surgery. But now that were home he is holding his leg/paw up again. I don't know if I should go some where else or wait to see if it gets better or next tuesday when my vet will be able to see him. Any thoughts

Tom and Pegasus

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I would keep him quiet, and write down things like when is he lame? Does he try and put it down. YOu can also gently feel his paws, toes, and see if he hurts there. Recently my pup stubbed her toe- hurt her enough to hold it up and lick it, and then she used it, but limped afer a time. I brought her into the vet- I am paranoid I know- turns out she stubbed it. Cost of vet visit- $30.00, piece of mind- PRICELESS.


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I agree with Kelpiegirl, keep him quiet and check the leg and paw. Really look at his nails, wiggle each one gently. Sometimes a broken nail will make a dog carry his leg, it HURTS! I was always taught that in case of a broken nail, to cut it back short. Use a muzzle and have help because it will be painful. Use bloodstop to stop the bleeding, and normally the dog is just fine afterward.

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Kelpiegirl and Billsmom Thanks for your reply and thoughts, watching him hurting and not knowing how bad or type of injury he has was bothering me to much having gone thru 4 knee surgeries myself. So I went back and waited until he could be seen, the staff seemed to understand that I was more worried then Pegasus, he does not like going to the vets. The vet and his assistant made sure I knew they rather I come in to get him checked out to be safe since he has had problems in his legs after being attacked in the spring by a great dane. But the vet said he could not find any problem so he thinks Pegasus brused his paw and to keep him quiet for at least 10 days and if it does not seem to be getting better in 7 or 8 days to bring him back in. Again Thanks

Tom and Pegasus

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Just catching up after being away. Before I went, I spent $260 finding out if my Fergus had broken a small bone in his foot - turns out he hadn't - looks like he'd torn a ligament in a toe (front foot). I had to keep it bandaged for a week. He was such a good boy - didn't touch the bandage. He's been on restricted activity since, but fortunately it seems to be OK now.


Good on you for taking Pegasus to the vet - I'd just be restricting his exercise until he look s really comfortable, and then gradually bring him back up to normal levels. Hope he's feeling better.

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