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Small lump on paw

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My 2 year old Collie Jack has developed a small white lump on the outside of his paw right by his paw pads and it is about the size of a pea maybe a bit smaller. (I would upload a pic but it would be really hard to see it.)

He developed a small limp about 2 days ago and at first I didn't find this lump as it is quite small and hard to see, so I assumed he had just knocked it or pulled something as he has done this many times. I would describe it as wart like, it is white and has some flaky skin on top of it and is a little bit shiny (Still has hair on the area). When I touch it he does not cry and doesn't appear to be in pain but just uncomfortable as he pulls it away. 

He walks with about 5 other dogs daily and spends a lot of time in long grass etc. idk if that narrows anything down. 

I think I will leave work early on Thursday and take him to vets just for peace of mind. Has anyone else experienced something like this?


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Hello Harry,

I agree with Ruth that a visit with your veterinarian is in order.  A couple of years ago, one of my dogs developed a spot on her front leg that at first appeared much as you described the spot on your Jack.  I don't have a photo of when it first appeared, but the photo below was taken of about a week after I first noticed it.   At first, the lesion was hair covered, but the hair disappeared rather quickly when it grew to be quite ugly.  This lesion is called a histiocytoma, and it is a benign and usually self-limiting.  I chose to have my dog's lesion removed, and she hasn't had any problems since then.  Please keep us posted about your vet's diagnosis, and best wishes that it is something very minor.



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Harry B, yes my elderly collie had what looked like a tic on the top of one of his back paws.  The 'tick' was black, and shiny, hidden in the short paw fur.  About the size of a normal tick just ready to drop off.  He took no notice of it at all except when the vet tried to hook it off thinking it was a tick, until we realised that it was attached very close to the skin so the hook wouldn't go under.  This was uncomfortable for him, but only then.

He had it for the last 3 or 4 years of his life (went to Rainbow Bridge a couple of weeks ago), and it never gave any problem, didn't hurt, didn't grow and didn't spread. Never got any bigger, so we kept an eye on it and left it alone.  Hope this helps.


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Thanks ShellyF,  My Old Boy passed away a couple of weeks ago, old age and heart basically.  He lasted nearly 4 years with this little lump, but I would certainly have had it seen to had he been a youngster.  The vet wasn't sure what it was but as it didn't seem to bother him, we left well alone.  But Harry B will have seen the vet with his 2yr old Jack I hope and is getting it sorted.  

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Heartfelt sympathies. But I hear ya. Ops when they are older is rough on them. Our old lady passed 18+ months ago now. She survived the lumps on her paw but urethral cancer was a different story. Although an op wasn’t the answer on that occasion our lovely vet eased things with meds that didn’t have side effects. We got our happy pup back for a good few months before it was time to say goodbye. What I wouldn’t give though to have all my late dogs pop back from time to time for a little chat and cuddle :) 

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. Took him to the vet and she said the limp was actually because he was quite sore on his right knee and she reckons he has maybe pulled something or had a knock so is under house arrest for a few days (already see a major improvement) which you can imagine he is not too thrilled with haha. 

She said the lump nothing and upon further inspection said it was scab where he had a little cut. 

Thanks again



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So the spot reappeared. However it has now grown quite a lot. I’ll attach a picture. To me it looks like a histiocytoma. However hes just had blood tests sent off to be sure. Vet believes due to his fitness and age it is most likely benign but best to be sure. 


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Harry, I'm sorry that the mass has reappeared, and it does look like a histiocytoma (it will probably get uglier, too).  However, as you wrote, they are almost always benign, and they usually resolve themselves without treatment.  I opted to have the mass removed from my dog's leg, as I truly didn't want her to have an ugly, oozing lump in a spot that would be aggravated by her activity.   The surgery went well, and she was back to normal activity in about two weeks (photo of her right after surgery with a shamrock on her bandage for St Patrick's Day).  Best wishes to you and Jack.




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