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Anyone else have a water hating BC?

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From the start we noticed Jack hates water, which is no big deal until it's raining and he needs to go out to do his business. It has been raining like crazy here in Ohio and he won't go into the yard. The sun is currently out but there is standing water and the grass is wet, so he won't leave the first step on the back porch. Poor guy hates to get his fluffers wet. I've tried walking with him in the yard but he has a thing about doing his business while on a leash.


I know eventually he'll make his way into the yard but sheesh little guy, go pee!

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Ruby is 14, and all of her life she has been willing to walk a mile to avoid even walking in a puddle. She hates rain as well. She will reluctantly go out to piddle when she has to, and will unhappily go out to please us when we tell her to. I have always prayed that she would never need hydrotherapy!!! :)


Kathy Robbins

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Oh good lord I can't imagine Jack needing hydrotherapy. That would be a total disaster. He's become such Diva. Where we started to where we are today is night and day. The one thing that has never changed is his hatred of water.

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3 of the 4 have not liked water. One LOVED water, Sammie played in puddles, swam in lakes, streams, etc. Still hated baths, though.


I took Gibbs once for a couple rounds of hydrotherapy. This was in an above ground swimming pool. The hydrotherapist was in there with him, of course, and he had a doggie life vest on. He kept rolling over into the water and the therapist couldn't figure out what was going on. I was finally able to see that he had his rear legs tucked up tight to his belly!


She was finally able to teach him he needed to move the back legs, too. I'd never seen a dog who wouldn't automatically swim in water. Even if they hated it.


Ruth & Gibbs

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Basically, yes!! Dallas is alright with rain (and anything nature throws at us, unfortunately), but he hates having to step in puddles and refuses to go into any sort of body of water. He'll do anything for his tennis ball - except retrieve it from water.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had Gina who will be 7 months old in a few days out to the lake. She loved to explore and be in the woods but she also discovered water. Wade in and out, a little deeper each time and finally to the point where she had to dog paddle back. Appeared to love it! Also knew mom and dad needed to experience the water also..... shaking right next to us!!

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We have the exact opposite problem with Xanthe. Her great auntie, Zoe, despised the water: hated to go out in the rain and avoided puddles like the plague (prancing plaintively through only when she had to).


Xanthe loves the rain and headed straight for the surf, forging on the lead the first time she saw the ocean. While she was slightly spooked by the surf (it was high that day) she went straight into a tide pool chasing little fishes.. no worries, and days later, straight into the deep water of Throsby Creek as far as we would let her.


We're wondering whether that is 'normal' and we're not sure how it's going to go when she's old enough and better behaved under distraction to go lead free on the dog friendly beaches.


We'd really prefer that she not swim out to sea!

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Hmm interesting replies. We've always had labs so keeping them out of water and mud puddles is the challenge. I'm glad to know this isn't just a Jack quirk or that he's had a potentially bad experience with water.

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