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Sonic's progress report--in video

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Actually, keeping words short (hand sprained, long line accident, typing sucks).


just remember, I'm the one who freaked out my traumatised new rescue dog and had him running away from treats, had to STOP all indoor training sessions, and take a two week ban on training, etc. (and thanks for all the advice on that)


Here he is doing 'place' ring sport style (between the legs, me towering over him). This involves all the things he had 'issues' with and he's HAPPY!




And here is doing free shaping on a bang/wobble board.


He's actually 'operant' now, offering behaviours, pushy even. Yay!



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Thanks! He surprises me--thought it would never happen, and now this.


...and, did a leash walk around the lake and he held it together by-passing various dogs -- taking treats, no hysterics, and no avoidance/management manoevres by me -- awesome dog!

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...and this morning he re-directed from squirrel to tug!!! Put all his energy into the toy, grrr-ing and all.

From complete disinterest in toys--

I hope those struggling with their new/fearful/react dogs are reading. Things can change in big ways.

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