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broken canine tooth

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I had that happen to a dog who was about 10, and we had the tooth removed as I didn't want it to hurt. It was a more major tooth extraction than a different tooth may have been (I understand canine teeth are rooted very deeply into the skull) but he did fine, it cost me about $175 I think. I didn't take him to the dentist vet because he quoted me at least 3x that amount and even though he said that most regular vets were not qualified to handle that kind of extraction I am comfortable enough with my vet referring out things he feels are beyond his ability that I didn't think he would say he could do it if he couldn't.

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I had a broken tooth on one of my dogs, and it didn't cause him pain, initially. But then it went bad and his breath turned foul, and I had it extracted ASAP. I just went to my regular vet and they did it, no problem afterwards.


Another friend of mine recently took her bitch in for a major slab fracture to an upper canine. She also had it removed, and the dog recovered easily with no problems.


So, I'd say it's worth having it done, just to avoid future pain and trouble. Why wait until your dog is in pain? He may not be able to let you know until the pain is excruciating.


~ Gloria

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As far as I understand it, the real issue with a lower canine (outside of infection and pain) is that the two lower canines with their long, heavy roots, are major contributors to the structural integrity of the lower jaw (mandible).


Dan broke an upper canine about two years ago (at an angle so that it mimics a normal tooth) and then did the same to the opposite lower canine. I am weighing my options now as to what I need to do for him.

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Canine teeth have very long roots and they are surrounded by tissue that has excellent blood supply. Therefore it is easy for infections to cross into the bloodstream and from there to the brain. It's way better to get it taken care of before it's a problem than to wait.

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